Chapter 465: What do Your Parents Do?_1

Yu Han casually grabbed the pillow, staring at her indifferently, "Your reaction time is really slow, and you still have the nerve to call yourself smart!"


Yan Xia glared at Yu Han, puffing in anger. How had she never noticed before that he had such a way with words?

"Since your eyes are wide open and you don't look tired, let's continue..."

Before Yu Han could finish his sentence, Yan Xia huffed, bundled herself up in the blanket, and went to sleep on the side of the bed.

"Go find someone else to annoy!"

Yu Han laughed lightly and tugged at the corner of the blanket. "Being an annoyance is actually a compliment, you know?"

"Oh, cut it out."

Just because she doesn't read as much as him.

"Really, I hope you are that kind of annoyance who never gets hurt and lives for a thousand years." Yu Han spoke softly.

At hearing this, Yan Xia paused for a moment, then turned around to hug the man's waist.

What an incredible man, he could make even an insult sound so sentimental.