Chapter 466: Background of the Selfie_1

"My parents are university teachers." Xia Yiwan laughed as she spoke.

Even though she had anticipated that his father would ask and had prepared her answer, she still felt slightly guilty as she spoke the words.

"Then you should quickly invite them over for a meal, so we can discuss the wedding arrangements."

The elder Si opened the box as he spoke, and upon seeing the gifts, he was immediately delighted.

"They are both abroad. We can talk about this when they get back." Xia Yiwan turned to look at Si Mo as she spoke.

She had been worried about Si Mo's relationship with his family. Now, his father had given her yet another thing to worry about: the wedding.

Her parents would, of course, have to be invited to her wedding, but...

This issue left Xia Yiwan somewhat conflicted, and her mind drifted at dinner.

"What were you thinking just now as you were eating?" On their way back to Dijing Tiancheng, Si Mo asked her.