Chapter 511: You Sleep on the Floor

When he stepped out of San Diego Airport, it was already noon. Instead of calling Lee Yueqing, he ordered a private car and instructed the driver to head to Los Angeles.

Before returning home, he wanted to see Ou Miaoxuan.

Both she and Cai Zhihua were his best friends, one from university, the other from high school. If he had to rank their importance, he was slightly more partial to Ou Miaoxuan.

Beyond friendship, she was also his confidante.

For the past week, he had been relentlessly pursuing Long Xuanjun, barely sleeping a wink. Seizing this moment of respite, he managed to catch up on a few hours of sleep.

The driver woke him up as they halted at a spot far from the city center.

He paid the fare and got out.

Right as he alighted, he saw a cluster of people busily setting up stalls.

Among them was a girl, sleeves rolled up, absorbed in coordinating the bustling activity, occasionally wiping beads of sweat from her face.

That was Ou Miaoxuan.