Chapter 512: Returning Home

"No, Li Zhongnan, why am I the one sleeping on the floor and not you?" The shyness that inhabited Ou Miaoxuan was uprooted by a wave of anger at his words.

How dare he suggest she sleep on the floor! Was he taking her for a fool?

Didn't he realize she was a woman?

Li Zhongnan replied, "I don't feel like moving!"

Ou Miaoxuan huffs, "Well, I don't feel like moving either."

Li Zhongnan simply responds, "If you don't feel like moving, then don't."

Then, he quickly falls asleep.

"So... I should sleep in the bed then?" Ou Miaoxuan takes a quick glance at him, and seeing no reaction, she reluctantly lies down.

The bed is small, causing their arms to touch.

The feeling of their skin touching is unbearably warm, it even becomes hot and spreads all over her body, making her uncomfortable.

Feeling nervous beyond belief, she keeps her heart racing, she closes her eyes, but sleep is elusive.