Chapter 544: Hurting Each Other

He gulped down a mouthful of alcohol, then immediately drew a harsh puff of a cigarette, repeating this cycle continuously.

At this very moment, it felt like standing outside Nangang Middle School's gate, as she angrily scolded him.

He felt suffocated, extremely uncomfortable.

Being a student under the beautiful class teacher for three years, he naturally understood her very well. She was a girl who yearned for and was deeply infatuated with the idea of beautiful love.

In her own words, if you want to date her, she must feel some chemistry first. And feelings are the most mysterious things.

So, she was still single even though she was already in her late twenties.

Also, she wasn't the kind of girl who would throw caution to the wind once she felt the chemistry was right.

On the contrary, she was very rational.

This was evident when she had learnt about his relationship with Lee Yueqing; she had promptly detached herself emotionally from him.