Chapter 545: Untitled

"Classmates, I have something to deal with so I'll be leaving early." Yao Danhong, sitting for a while, got up to leave.

Suddenly, a man in a suit and tie in his thirties stepped in through the door and came straight towards her.

Upon seeing him, her face fell instantly and she began to reproach him harshly: "Huang Jiajun, do you have no end?"

This Huang Jiajun was a suitor her family had introduced to her some time ago. He had been continually bothering her ever since.

In the past, she had been polite to him whenever possible. But now, she was feeling upset and irritated.

Huang Jiajun gave her a facetious smile and said, "No worries, I just heard that you were looking for a man behind my back, so I thought I'd come and see."

He looked coldly at the few male classmates sitting on the sofa and after a glance, he scoffed and asked, "Yao Danhong, are you really interested in these guys who just graduated from school?"