Chapter 650: Even Fraudsters Wouldn't Do This!

Li Zhongnan's head throbbed with a headache as he said with a defeated expression, "No, Monica, didn't I tell you? Once I make some money, I promise to repay you tenfold, a hundredfold."

Dammit, if he had known this would happen, he would have acted differently.

"This is my dowry!"

This is how Monica countered his statement.

Moreover, she raised her eyes and glared at him with a fierce look.

Li Zhongnan, uncaring of the situation, replied, "I don't have money, but I have my life. If you want it, take it." Before he ended, he added, "The money you gave me, I used it to pay off my crippling debts last night."

Anyway, since they didn't sign a loan contract, even if he never repays her, she can't do anything to him.

"Did you... did you just get close to me to deceive me of my money? You... you don't like me at all, do you?" Monica's sadness increased and she teared up.

Li Zhongnan corrected her, "It was a loan, not a deception!"