Chapter 651: No Money, No Use

Why did she just leave like that?

Could it be, the allure of money is greater than his surname, Li?

The next day, he decided to ask another one out.

This time, she refused to pay even for a meal, and openly confronted him, hurling verbal abuse his way. In the end, he could only flee with his hands covering his face in shame.

So, he gave it some thought. Perhaps, tomorrow, he could invite another girl out, but this time, he would find an excuse to take her to a wild hill where there wouldn't be any expense for a "mountainous excursion and water play".

However, he was hoping for too much!

The next day at work, when the girls in the mall saw him, they scattered. No more lending him money or even conversing with him.

Alas, it's clear now, not every woman is as good as Monica.

Originally, because he didn't want to hurt her, he had restrained himself from pursuing her, and yet was sarcastically mocked by her, which was quite upsetting.