Chapter 012 Refining Soul-Devouring Worm_1

This Soul-Devouring Worm somewhat resembles a seven-star bug, with a black body and a single colored spot on the carapace of its back. According to Lv Zhong's understanding, the more colorful the spots, the stronger the Soul-Devouring Worm and the more larvae it can control.

The one in Lv Zhong's hand at the moment only has a white spot on its back, indicating that it's a Level 1 Soul-Devouring Worm. Although its strength is still weak, it's exactly what Lv Zhong preparing for cultivation needs. If the Soul-Devouring Worm's level is too high at the beginning, it would not only be difficult for an ordinary person to refine it, but it could also endanger their life.

Looking at the Soul-Devouring Worm in his hand, excitement flickered in Lv Zhong's eyes. Once he refines this Soul-Devouring Worm, it will mark the official beginning of his Transfer Technique cultivation.

The refining method recorded in the Transfer Technique is somewhat similar to the sacrificial method of the Second Primordial Spirit in the Taoist Sect. However, the Taoist Sect typically uses Divine Soldiers as their Second Primordial Spirit, and the refining method in the Transfer Technique also integrates the Witch Clan's insect cultivation and sacrificial methods.

Now, Lv Zhong takes command of this refining task combining his spiritual sense and essence of life.


In the cold, quiet and mysterious space, Lv Zhong stood next to the Water Well at the center. His face was filled with hesitation, changing various expressions. He was excited, yet afraid of the unknown, seemingly indecisive.

In his palm lay a black Soul-Devouring Worm. It was utterly motionless, sealed by some mysterious prohibition. Its body was in a state similar to hibernation.

The carapace on its back shone a glossy black. The entire body was divided into three parts: mouth, head, and trunk. Its mouth resembled that of a centipede, hinting a brutish nature. Situated at the end of its abdomen was an extremely tiny black needle, which was partially hidden inside the body, with the end protruding slightly, emitting an extremely black luster.

According to Lv Zhong's understanding, at Level 0, the Soul-Devouring Worm must enter a host to absorb soul power. To burrow into a host, the Soul-Devouring Worm's tiny needle would provide potent support.

This tiny needle of the Soul-Devouring Worm can exert a potent anesthetic effect.

Even an elephant would be immobilized instantly when stung by it, allowing the Soul-Devouring Worm to infiltrate its prey unnoticed and constantly drain the soul energy...

When the level of a Soul-Devouring Worm reaches Level 1, they can absorb the dispersed soul energy from the outside world. As long as a living being dies without immediately entering the Underworld or without the protection of a treasure, its soul energy will gradually dissipate. Such soul energy can be easily absorbed by the Soul-Devouring Worm.

When a Soul-Devouring Worm is raised to Level 2 or above, some mysterious abilities such as mental perception, memory copy, and soul search would emerge. After all, the Soul-Devouring Worm is one of the wonders between heaven and earth. As their strength increases, they naturally possess abilities unique to their species...

In short, the higher the level of a Soul-Devouring Worm, the stronger its ability to absorb soul energy and the more soul-based abilities it can command!

Despite this impressive potential, the Soul-Devouring Worm's talent is extremely treacherous. If it is controlled by an evil person, it might cause a catastrophic disaster in the human world.

As he watched the sealed Soul-Devouring Worm in his hand, Lv Zhong couldn't help but hesitate.

Should he refine it? Or not?

Lv Zhong's heart was torn.

Refining it may unleash a demon that doesn't belong to this world.

Not refining it means that he won't be able to become stronger in a short time! Moreover, if he did not start refining this Soul-Devouring Worm, Lv Zhong would surely be unsatisfied because this was his opportunity!

After seriously contemplating the pros and cons of refining the Soul-Devouring Worm, Lv Zhong finally made up his mind. He realized that even without the Soul-Devouring Worm, there were profound dark aspects hidden under the light. As long as he stayed true to himself, he could control this devastating creature, even if it turned out to be a demon.

Ultimately, the hesitation on Lv Zhong's face disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented resolve.

He yearned for tremendous power; he needed to refine this mother Soul-Devouring Worm!

A moment later, Lv Zhong unsealed the Soul-Devouring Worm according to Lv Yue's remembered methods.

Perhaps due to being sealed for an extended period, even after Lv Zhong released the seal, the mother Soul-Devouring Worm remained motionless.

Lv Zhong was overjoyed. His deep eyes suddenly flickered; he promptly bit his left index finger, forcing out a drop of his blood and imprinting it on the head of the Mother Insect. Then, using Lv Yue's method from his memory, he formed a mysterious symbol on the head of the Mother Insect using the drop of blood wrapped in his spiritual sense.

Once the symbol, drawn with Lv Zhong's blood and combined with spiritual sense, was complete, it formed a flashing golden virtual pattern on the head of the Mother Insect, which instantly penetrated into the depths of the Mother Insect's mind.

Feeling threatened, the long-sealed Soul-Devouring Worm finally reacted, letting out a screech as its body started to tremble violently.

Clearly, the mother of this [Soul Devouring Bug] is resisting!

"Squeak, Squeak…" The tiny [Soul Devouring Bug] squirms violently, trying to escape Lv Zhong's control. Its mouth opens wide, and its tiny, black, stinger suddenly appears at the same time.

It has a two-centimeters long, pitch-black stinger ready to pierce Lv Zhong's palm.

However, Lv Zhong has been wary of this creature. How can he give it what it wants?

With his thumb and forefinger, Lv Zhong tightly grips both sides of the mother [Soul Devouring Bug]'s body. Then, he quickly presses it to the ground to immobilize it.

Just recently freed from the seal on its body, the [Soul Devouring Bug] can't utilize more than a fifth of its abilities, and it's not a creature known for its strength. It can't escape from Lv Zhong's grasp.

At this moment, Lv Zhong begins to follow the method he had remembered, extracting the bit of spiritual sense he has and using the mysterious Tao marks to enter the mind of the [Soul Devouring Bug]'s mother.

What surprises Lv Zhong is that even though the body of this mother [Soul Devouring Bug] is small, a Level 1 bug, the space in its mind isn't small; it's comparable to a seven or eight-year-old child's Sea of Consciousness.

In the Sea of Consciousness of this mother bug, an oversized version of the [Soul Devouring Bug] is rolling in terror. The golden Tao marks appear above its head as they start to invade...

"Buzz, Buzz…"

The mother [Soul Devouring Bug] lets out a mournful roar. A strand of soul energy hits the golden Tao marks in the blink of an eye.


Immediately, those golden Tao marks tremble slightly.

With sudden dismay in his heart, Lv Zhong realizes that his spiritual sense is too weak to bring out the might of these marks. Quickly, he gathers all the spiritual sense he has and sends it toward those golden marks.

With added strength, the light from the golden Tao marks surge as they once again invade the mother [Soul Devouring Bug]'s head.


In an instant, Lv Zhong thinks he hears a mournful and furious scream. It's the indignant roar of the [Soul Devouring Bug]!

But Lv Zhong will certainly not pity this [Soul Devouring Bug].

Having decided to refine this [Soul Devouring Bug], Lv Zhong certainly doesn't have any shred of mercy.

"Buzz, Buzz…"

The [Soul Devouring Bug] uses its final soul power to fiercely strike the golden marks.

Since Lv Zhong's spiritual sense is weak, under the impact of the soul attack strands of the alien insects like the [Soul Devouring Bug], he also feels an intense pain.

But Lv Zhong knows he can only grit his teeth and endure. Otherwise, not only will his effort be wasted, but his own life might also be at risk.

Luckily, this intense pain only lasts for a short while.

When Lv Zhong feels the pain subsiding, the Tao marks combined with his heart's blood have also completely integrated into the soul of the [Soul Devouring Bug]'s mother.

Looking at the slightly exhausted [Soul Devouring Bug] opposite him, Lv Zhong feels an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Lv Zhong suddenly starts laughing, he knows he has succeeded!

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