Chapter 013 The ability of the Soul-Devouring Worm_1

Lv Zhong retreated from the Sea of Awareness of the [Soul-Devouring Bug], his face looked downcast and even his complexion was as pale as paper.

However, Lv Zhong at this moment was extremely joyful, his eyes filled with laughter.

This time, he successfully refined the [Soul-Devouring Bug], making it a similar existence to his Second Primordial Spirit.

With the existence of this [Soul-Devouring Bug] Mother Insect, Lv Zhong knew that his path of cultivation was completely opened up and his life would become vibrant!

Reaching out his hand to catch the [Soul-Devouring Bug] on the ground, Lv Zhong's heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement and enthusiasm.

Feeling Lv Zhong's excitement, the [Soul-Devouring Bug] in his hand suddenly unfolded its wings hidden in its carapace, lightly flapped them, and affectionately brushed Lv Zhong's palm with its soft, flexible antennae...

Because he had completely refined this [Soul-Devouring Bug] Mother Insect, Lv Zhong also knew some information about this Mother Insect.

[Soul-Devouring Bug]: Type: Mother Insect

Level 1

Level of larvae under control: Level 0. The maximum number is 100.

Life Talent: Soul Attack Thorn


Lv Zhong followed the method in his memories, training this Mother Insect, and to his delight, he discovered that this Mother Insect could freely change the size of its body. The Mother Insect, which was only the size of a thumbnail, could grow to the size of a baby's fist, it could also shrink to the size of a hair, and even change its body colour.

With such a capability, even if this [Soul-Devouring Bug] appeared in front of people, there would be no worry of being recognized.

Moreover, Lv Zhong knew that in the era of Lv Yue filled with powerful beings, it was rare for anyone to spot this [Soul-Devouring Bug]. Very few knew the true nature of this [Soul-Devouring Bug]. If Lv Yue did not have the [Micro Yin-Yang Eye], if Lv Yue was not the ancestor of bacterial, viral, and insect warfare, he might not have been able to discover the abilities of this insect.

"Being able to keep it hidden is the best!" Lv Zhong spread his palm contentedly. The [Soul-Devouring Bug] Mother Insect in his hand flew to Lv Zhong's shoulder, spreading its wings.

Lv Zhong temporarily ignored it and began cultivating the [Microcosmic Spirit Condensation Technique] in the space of the Plague God Pearl to restore his Soul Energy. This time, refining the Mother Insect of the [Soul-Devouring Bug] consumed a lot of his Soul Energy.

About two hours passed, and Lv Zhong finally woke up from his cultivation.

At this time, Lv Zhong's face also had a hint of rosy color. Although he had not fully recovered, his Soul Energy was mostly restored.

"This [Microcosmic Spirit Condensation Technique] is indeed miraculous, haha, it seems that maybe in a month, I can refine the second Mother Insect!" Finished with his cultivation, Lv Zhong stood up, stretching his back. He felt invigorated throughout his body. At this moment, Lv Zhong was very pleased with the [Microcosmic Spirit Condensation Technique].

Of the ten types of Mother Insects collected by Lv Yue, refining the [Soul-Devouring Bug] was the most difficult. But once the [Soul-Devouring Bug] was refined, it could quickly enhance soul energy. Thus, when it came to refining the next Mother Insect, the speed would be even faster…

Seeing the [Soul-Devouring Bug] mother insect bored on his shoulder, Lv Zhong smiled lightly and stood in front of the large piece of deadwood in the space. His spiritual sense began to lock on the position of the [Soul-Devouring Bug], and with a thought, a hundred sealed [Soul-Devouring Bug] larvae appeared before him.

These [Soul-Devouring Bug] larvae were all tiny creatures of LV0 level, about the size of soybeans, with a completely dark body, and not even a colorful spot on the shell of their backs. If they wanted to absorb Soul Energy, they had to burrow into a living being's body. The strength of these larvae was somewhat weak.

However, as long as they had enough energy, they could level up. Besides, the space within the [Plague Pearl] could also enhance their strength, promoting their gradual leveling up.


Seeing suddenly so many larvae appearing before it, the [Soul-Devouring Bug] Mother Insect became excited too. It instantly flew down from Lv Zhong's shoulder and began to circle ceaselessly above these sealed larvae.

Unfortunately, these larvae sealed by a secret technique could neither see nor sense the existence of the [Soul-Devouring Bug] Mother Insect.

"Jiji….." The mother insect issued urgent chirps, seemingly calling for these larvae.

To Lv Zhong's surprise, the mother insect, hovering in mid-air, suddenly erected the flexible tentacles on her head. Under Lv Zhong's spiritual sense, the mother insect's tentacles seemed to emit a mysterious frequency.

Lv Zhong, heeding the method in Lv Yue's memory, formed hand seals and utilized his spiritual sense, unlocking the seals on these larvae.

Similar to the previous mother insect, these [Soul Devouring Bugs] larvae were inactive due to their long-sealed state and didn't respond quickly.

However, at this moment, the mysterious frequency emitted from the tentacles of the [Soul Devouring Bug] mother insect began to take effect. These larvae, upon receiving this mysterious frequency, quickly assembled in the direction of the mother insect. Surprisingly, they lined up like soldiers in an array of ten rows, each with ten larvae.

Looking at these larvae undergoing inspection by the [Soul Devouring Bug] mother insect, Lv Zhong was extremely satisfied. He communicated his intent to the mother insect, "Little guy, you'll be staying here temporarily to train your offspring..."

Fearing his parents might worry, Lv Zhong with a thought, exited the inner space of the Plague Pearl.

Appearing in bed from thin air, Lv Zhong smiled as he checked his phone, feeling pleasantly surprised. Although he believed he had stayed in the Plague Pearl's space for at least three hours, the time displayed on his phone revealed that less than an hour had passed in the external world.

After searching Lv Yue's memory, Lv Zhong understood that time within the Plague Pearl was ten times faster than in the external world.

"Amazing! It's actually time acceleration!" Lv Zhong exclaimed in astonishment.

Having calmed his excited mind, Lv Zhong retrieved all of his English books from high school and began reviewing.

The present Lv Zhong's divine soul has fully recovered, even his soul energy was now stronger than most ordinary people. As he began his review at this time, it proved surprisingly effective.

With the spiritual sense that only cultivators possess, albeit a small amount, Lv Zhong's memory, comprehension, and logical abilities were all greatly enhanced.

Now, he could easily remember all English words in a unit after merely one read-through. Of course, it helped that he had studied these words before. Regardless, Lv Zhong was overjoyed with this horrifying capability.

Besides, as long as Lv Zhong continued cultivating the Microcosmic Spirit Condensation Technique, or let the [Soul Devouring Bug] absorb energy, his soul energy would grow even stronger. This would further enhance his memory, comprehension, and reaction speed to terrifying heights.

At this moment, Lv Zhong felt as if he was completely surrounded by immense happiness.

These abilities were all things he dreamed of obtaining!


In the following period, Lv Zhong started to get busy.

Every morning, he would practice Baji Fist's methods and stake exercises, then jog several laps around the neighborhood. After breakfast, he would read for an hour and do some test questions. Sometimes he would also read the medical books at home. Many of these medical books were ancient Chinese medical classics handed down by Lv Zhong's grandfather. Of course, there were also some books related to Western Medicine brought back by Lv Tianlin.

During the lunch break or the first half of the night, Lv Zhong would enter the space of the Plague Pearl, cultivate his relationship with the [Soul Devouring Bug] mother insect, and fully cultivate the Microcosmic Spirit Condensation Technique to enhance his soul energy. In the latter half of the night, Lv Zhong would quietly release the mother insect of the [Soul Devouring Bug], commanding it to absorb the free soul energy between heaven and earth.

The Lv1 [Soul Devouring Bug] mother insect can absorb the free, unclaimed soul energy between heaven and earth. However, the soul energy within living beings did not leak out and could not be absorbed by Lv1 [Soul Devouring Bug]. Unless it also burrowed into such living beings.

The soul energy absorbed by the [Soul Devouring Bug] mother insect can be partially transferred to Lv Zhong, the master, allowing his soul energy to continue growing even without cultivation.

Time slipped away unnoticeably in Lv Zhong's busyness, and it was New Year's Eve in the blink of an eye.

This morning, Lv Zhong's older sister, Lv Lei, and her boyfriend were coming to the Lv family's home, making the whole family busy preparing for their arrival.

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