
Lin Yuting's eyes lit up as if she had discovered a new continent, "Someone is in love-ah ha! It really is different being an adult; now you dare to be open about it!"


The rag doll hit its mark directly on her sister. Yu Jing, covered tightly under the blankets, said somewhat ruffled, "Sister, go away, go away, I don't want to talk to you, I'm going to sleep!"

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm your sister, what is there to be shy about?! I haven't finished asking you; did you think I would give up easily? Speak up, or I'm getting under your blanket!"

Having said that, Lin Yuting made a move to flip the blankets, smiling sweetly and waiting for her younger sister's reaction.

As expected, within a few seconds, Yu Jing's head popped up. Her face was beet red, whether from the blankets or her sister's teasing, it wasn't quite clear.

"Say what you want quickly! Sister, I think you were specially assigned by heaven to torment me, so annoying~!"