Chapter 603: Prison Disaster

Impressed by the riveting performance of the female player, the crowd was immediately abuzz.

"This woman is in trouble!" they said.

"Daring to provoke Crane That Doesn't Dance, she must have a death wish!"

"In my opinion, she should be wanted in every zone!"

The spectators were eager for a good show, waiting for Crane That Doesn't Dance to explode right in front of the woman.


Crane That Doesn't Dance didn't even show the slightest hint of anger. Instead, he wryly said to the female player, "Sister Ling, stop teasing me. My life is chaotic enough as it is. Your actions are just adding fuel to the fire."

Sister Ling?

It turned out they knew each other!

The watching crowd was obviously disappointed, and sighs grew louder.

"You're flirting with a woman like this?"

Just then, the quietly observant Shuxin finally spoke.

"No no no, Shuxin, you've got it all wrong, she's just..."