Chapter 36: Conquerors and Team Battle

Supported by such a beautiful woman like Yin Shangwu, feeling the warmth her body emitted through his arm, Tang Zheng fell silent again. He couldn't fathom this woman's intentions, her unconventional playing cards had nearly disrupted all his schemes.

"This feeling is utterly disastrous." For Tang Zheng, who was accustomed to maintaining control over situations, what he detested most was the 'unstable time bombs.' "How can I utilize her? However, first, I should gain her trust."

"Has no one told you how enchanting you look pondering with a furrowed brow?" Yin Shangwu teased, then warned, "Do not try to use me. You should look at me as a companion. Otherwise, despite my admiration for your talents, I will kill you."

"You don't have much confidence in yourself, do you?" Tang Zheng would certainly not admit it, instead responding with a counterattack.