Chapter 37: New Ability

Tang Zheng stared at the handheld radar, a touch of bitterness spreading across his lips. He was reluctant to accept this reality.

"Kill her. Any further, and she'll be out of the bomb controller's detonation range. A dummy like her, alone in the jungle, wouldn't last two days. She's practically the easiest prey to hunt down." Yin Shangwu had already made her decision. If Tang Zheng couldn't bring himself to do it, she would. She wouldn't let her walk away with the Totem Seal and the bomb.

"Impossible. That girl is too timid to leave." Tang Zheng shook his head, feeling something was off, "Moreover, without supplies, where can she run to on this rainy night?"

"Hmph, I knew I didn't misjudge you. Your analysis is correct; your partner must have returned." Yin Shangwu pursed her lips. Without Tang Zheng's judgment, she wouldn't have thought of this either, but she had to portray a prescient stance, "This guy is really good at analysis; his mind reacts quickly."