Chapter 16 Crazy Alice_2

Sure enough, the students' eyes lit up and they began to think.

"I, I heard the giggle of a little girl."

Tang Zheng nodded and threw a piece of chocolate over. The student caught it, tore the wrapper, and stuffed it into his mouth. The sound of his chewing elicited a widespread swallowing noise from the others, but no one dared to grab the treat.

"I also heard giggling."

After another student finished their sentence, they looked at Tang Zheng expectantly.

"Sorry, I don't need repetitive answers."

Several students regretted their hesitations.

"I think I saw a slim figure, apparently wearing a dress."

Tang Zheng nodded. This answer deserved a reward.

Another male student's eyes swept the surroundings before biting down on his lip and saying, "I saw her carrying a Western sword, the kind Zorro uses."

"You're lying." Tang Zheng refused.