Chapter 14: Battle of Initiation And Casualties_2

Tang Zheng no longer wanted to play the good guy; it was pointless. The newbies this time were not easy to deal with, except for the over-enthusiastic young armed police who appeared silly. The two police officers, Du Ziyu and Gu er, were very experienced; they had "eaten more salt than Tang Zheng had eaten rice". As for the remaining dozen or so prisoners, trying to win them over with benevolence and righteousness would be nonsensical. In short, other than intimidation and bribery, nothing would make them obey.

Other than Li Zhixin and the female university student who occasionally stole glances at Tang Zheng, trying to evaluate his character, everyone else's focus was on the old man.

"Anybody there?" The old man nervously approached the vermilion lacquer gate without daring to push it. After shouting a few times and receiving no reply, he heaved a slight sigh of relief and turned around to report, "No one!"