Chapter 14: Battle of Initiation And Casualties

The reputation of Sun Wukong was too fierce, no one wanted to die tragically under his Ruyi Golden Cudgel, so the newbies simply chose to hide like turtles.

"You're all a bunch of useless guys, what good are you?" Pang Meiqin spat, eyeballing the massive Vermilion Lacquer Gate, she cocked her gun with a click, preparing to use force to make them compromise, "Humph, I don't mind doing the dirty work that Tang Zheng refuses to do."

Lu Fan also was holding the Pepper Grinder in his hand, glaring fiercely at them, only he was too cute, there was no sense of terror at all.

Xu Biyun didn't care about the life or death of the newbies, as long as she didn't have to do anything, Chu Baichuan was even less concerned, he would rather have the newbies go block bullets for his wife.