Chapter 024 First Meeting_1

"Teacher Ao, why do you want to find Ding Hao?" Li Na was not stupid, and now she could understand that the main purpose of Ao Kangcheng was not to help her but to find a reason to get close to Ding Hao.

However, helping her send the love letter, no matter how she thought about it, was a win for her.

Li Na was delighted in her heart.

"Just curious, not just Ding Hao, I also want to know more about Lin Zheng," Qian Cangyi said, "By the way, if you know anything special about Ding Hao, you can tell me, you don't need to tell me his height."

"Oh," Li Na responded.

Although Li Na has expressed what she knows about Ding Hao, most of them are useless information, such as his zodiac sign is Scorpio, etc. As for his daily routines, Li Na's understanding is not much different from Qian Cangyi. Although she likes Ding Hao, she does not fall into the category of fanatical stalking.