Chapter 025 Betting Pact_1

"Are we absolutely sure it's not his own capability?" Despite understanding the reason for Ding Hao's judgment, Qian Cangyi still felt that it was somewhat inappropriate. "It could also be possible that gene mutation or sudden enlightenment occurred, why are you so certain that Lin Zheng is cheating?"

Though Qian Cangyi also leaned towards this judgment, he still attempted to refute Ding Hao's judgment from the standpoint that Lin Zheng did not cheat.

"Our perspectives differ, there's no particular meaning in debating. Teacher Ao, why don't we make a bet? If I uncover Lin Zheng's method of cheating before the end of this semester, you will have to reply to all the love letters I receive on my behalf." Ding Hao had no intention of arguing further with Qian Cangyi.