Chapter 170: Hand_1

Upon reaching the second floor, Du Yixuan's door was open, with a blood trail leading out from inside her room and continuing towards the stairs above. Throughout the entire hallway, aside from Du Yixuan's room being open, all other doors were tightly shut. Yet, Qian Cangyi could sense the heavy smell of blood ostensibly emanating from these closed rooms.

The voice of Shi Liting comes from above, I'll go check it out first, Qian Cangyi thought to himself.

He quickly mounted the stairs and within seconds he was on the third floor. However, the blood trail on the stairs did not stop, continuing upward seemingly endlessly.

Continuing upward, the third, fourth, fifth floors... all the way up to the rooftop of the seventh floor, the top of this building.

The iron gate on the rooftop was already open, upon stepping out, Qian Cangyi saw Wu Tong and Shi Liting.