Chapter 322 Ancient Sunset Castle_1

Salty Egg Yolk happily gorged on the blue thorn fruit, as if eager to lick up every drop of juice.

Qian Cangyi lay down again, arranging his body in a relaxed position, seeing as he had only recently come out of the movie "Power Generation with Love".

The progress bar on the screen indicating Salty Egg Yolk's hunger had disappeared.

Not considering side effects for the moment, at least for the short term, he didn't have to worry about food anymore.

Salty Egg Yolk lifted its dog head, its lively dog eyes gazing at Qian Cangyi's character, then wagged its tail happily, seeming to indicate it was satisfied. Afterward, it cracked open another blue thorn fruit.

"Has it not affected you yet?" Qian Cangyi was somewhat curious.

He yawned, feeling his eyelids a bit heavy.

After the second blue thorn fruit was finished, Salty Egg Yolk finally started behaving oddly - its body began to sway as if standing was a difficulty; although it wanted to hold on, it ended up falling to the ground.