Chapter 321 Blue Thorn Fruit_1

It seemed that during the days of the several updates, the scenery around the village had been augmented. Though I didn't explore the surroundings frequently, I've most likely been here before and there wasn't a valley then," Qian Cangyi mused to himself.

Because there was no update description, he was not exactly sure what had changed.

"Is there danger inside?" Qian Cangyi voiced his concern.

Salty Egg Yolk sat down, its expression indicating that it was contemplating how to express its thoughts to its owner. Three seconds later it started moving, reminiscent of a leisurely stroll. As it sauntered, Salty Egg Yolk suddenly collapsed onto the ground rigidly.

Just as Qian Cangyi planned to operate his character to inspect it, Salty Egg Yolk scrambled back up again.

It raced back to its initial position and then erected its forelimbs, walking upright. Although the pace was slow, it was stable, and it walked a great distance.