Chapter 368: Security _1

While Shadow Play was arguing with Alice number three, Lan Xing faced a similar predicament.

Prior to this, everything had been normal, Alice's actions had been under their control. To prevent inconsistencies in their conversations, the actors did not exchange among themselves. This reduced the chances of making slips of the tongues and arousing Alice's suspicions.

However, this presented a new question, where were the others and what were they doing?.

"Let's go." Lan Xing didn't want to continue wasting time arguing with Alice number one, he grabbed Alice's hand, seemingly wanting to forcefully pull her back.

Even though this action was highly dangerous and could potentially provoke Alice's resistance, he'd rather choose this method than let Alice really open the room to see what was inside.

The dilemma also troubled Five-Colored Stone, she saw Alice's stubborn perseverance and also Lan Xing's choice.