Chapter 369 Unable to Stop_1

Is this the change Mo Ran was talking about? Even though he's kept Alice suspect-free thus far, there will always be 'unforeseen' events that unconsciously drive Alice to explore her past; that is, the fact she has already died.

Qian Cangyi leans on the window sill with one hand.

Jing Huashui is still chatting idly, but she doesn't cover up for the fabrications Qian Cangyi was spewing. Instead, she switches the topic to discuss a different constellation.

Logically speaking, one's location could be determined using constellations.

But the problem is... we may not be on Earth now.

Suddenly, a shriek resounds from upstairs, as if capable of piercing eardrums.

Both of them cover their ears at the same time, but Alice-2 doesn't. She not only shows no sign of agony on her face, but actually seems to enjoy it.

It seems as if to her, the screech isn't noise, but rather a form of delightful music.

Qian Cangyi gestures to Jing Huashui with his eyes.