Chapter 566 Chaos_1

The security personnel at the venue promptly arrived at the competition field, hurriedly escorting the two contestants off grounds.

If anything were to happen to these two, it would be catastrophic. One of them belongs to the high-ranking offspring, despite being at odds with his family, they haven't given up on him! And the other one is a rising star this year, reportedly related to a Grand Alchemist, equally untouchable.

By now, Hawkeye had already returned control to Qian Cangyi.

Upon leaving, Qian Cangyi noticed that the Hunter had fallen into a state of total despair.

As if he had just had his heart broken for the hundredth time, the sadness was overwhelming.

Shaking his head, Qian Cangyi followed the security guard to the rest room.

Simultaneously, unusual incidents were occurring outside the venue.

Walking teams that were out for a stroll were for some reason beginning to gather near the venue, with more and more people appearing, seemingly poised for a forceful entry.