Chapter 567 Leader_1

Because they were forewarned, the professional gamers in the resting room were able to clearly see the broadcast streaming from the airship outside.

Though some professional gamers had not been in Linxi City for a long time, under the promotional storm from the Dark Truth Church, they had no choice but to know about them.

So they also knew the purpose of the Dark Truth Church.

Anti-alchemy, anti-alchemist.

As professional gamers, they of course could not partake in such activities, not because they were noble, but rather because they made a living through alchemy. If alchemy didn't exist, neither would the "The Only" game.

When they heard the news from the airship broadcast, almost all the professional gamers in the restrooms were shocked.

Because they never expected the leader of the Dark Truth Church to actually be a solar cycle alchemist.

Although they didn't fully understand, they were well aware of the rough classification of alchemist ratings.