Chapter 220 Personally Receiving_1

The 9344 coastline is at the edge of the offshore and open sea areas east of the wheat fields, 21 kilometers from the coast. On the diminishing electronic map, it appears concave. Feng Yi seeks the nearest shoreline to these coordinates, that is, inside the cove. This is the most likely place his scattered unit would gather.

To determine the general location of the armored division, he has to find his men as soon as possible.

The Gun Rider glided along the edge of the shoreline. As the scanner continued to expand its range, the slow-moving, dispersed points of light began to appear on the scanner. In a few minutes, Feng Yi successfully reunited his scattered men.

With the Gun Rider, a total of 33 mobile soldiers were assembled. This meant that most of the comrades had fallen in the race against time.