Revenge Shadow Rider...?
The black Mecha appears on the screen, and with a sense of unreality, a thunderous shock passed through the minds of the crowd! It is... it actually is... the Revenge Shadow Rider!? The symbol of an unbeatable, passionate, spirited, courageous, and faithful ultimate myth!
For an instant, the world fell into a brief silence, only to be immediately broken by roaring cheers, followed by an echoing voice through the square: 'Revenge Shadow Rider….' It started with one person, then twenty, then the roar of thousands….
For some reason, when the Revenge Shadow Rider appeared, at least half of the federal crowds were no longer afraid. Maybe it was causeless emotion, the interviewed FCA Alliance netizens expressed complete incomprehension - has the Federation gone mad? But the Shadow Rider indeed has this power, you never really know its irreplaceable status within the Federation.