In this moment, television programs across the globe, including military and entertainment media you've heard of or not, are all broadcasting this soul-stirring live footage. People have traveled light-years to be here, not for Saudi, not for victory or defeat, and not even for the battle itself, but simply to witness Revenge Shadow Rider with their own eyes.
Indeed, his piloting skills can bring tears to everyone who has seen them. He is also the emotional support for many; a defender of courage deep within the hearts of countless Federation soldiers.
It can be said that Revenge Shadow Rider is not a perfect person. As a fighter, he is more often perceived as silent and willful, cold and aloof, but this does not shake his place in people's hearts. On the contrary, as a warrior, Revenge Shadow Rider tends to prioritize action. With a casually uttered "Alright" in response to Xiao Wei's request, he succinctly encapsulates his personality—decisive and unique.