The magic tournament

Since the days of the preparationd for the tournament, a chaos ruled in school. So many preparations and everyone was so excited!

I'm never going to appoint as class president, to much work! But now most of the students can breathe more easily. Because today's the tournament.

Ok, everyone is still pretty excited, but at least we don't have running class presidents anymore! The tournament starts soon, so I went to my seats, where Eric already was.

I chose the seats before, so I wouldn't have to worry about finding seats.

And that way I could choose a place, where from my knowledge, the least damage from the demon would be. The places are pretty far away, but Eric doesn't complain. I hope he isn't sad about it!

"Henry, calm down. You fall from your seat if you move more.", said Eric.

What can I do? I'm excited and nervous. I truly hope nothing serious will happen...

But I know that a dozen of students will get hurt and I can't do anything, because I'm not strong enough. But still, Eric's right. I need to calm down.

I need my energy to help as many as I can.

Suddenly someone that down next to me. I looked in the direction and nearly fell from my seat.

It was Juliet! Why was she her?! "Ehm, hello. Is there still free. Everywhere else is already taken.", she asked shyly. Oh right, it is mentioned that she got no seat. She needed to stand.

But now the place next to me is free. It would be mean to say no, so I nooded:"Yes you can. Come sit down, the tournament will start soon."

For some reason she looked very happy and quickly sat down next to me. I have a weird feeling about this... I'm probably just over thinking it because of the stress!

And than the tournament started. I think the book underestimated this scene. It looks so cool! I wish I could chant such powerfull magic.

But my excitement quickly turned into serious expression. Just now there was a loud growl. It's the demon. I looked up. There it was already. I acted fast and took Eric and Juliet's arms and pulled them down, before anything could hit us. Both looked shocked. "What is that?!", Juliet asked scared. "A demon...!", Eric answered.

He looked neutral, but I could see his fear in his eyes. I need to bring the out of here!