Why do you leave me?

I reacted first and run to the exit, while pulling Eric and Juliet behind me. Everywhere I looked where panicked students. "Everyone in this direction! Fast.", one person, I recognized as the person who introduced us to the school, shouted. "Don't worry. The knights are on their way. Once your out of here you'll be safe.", another one said.

Suddenly a stone pillar crashed down right in front of us. It fell right on top of another student.

I recognized her as Emily. She was in my class. I looked around and saw, how my magic teacher was fighting against the demon, who just yesterday scolded me for not doing my homework. He fell shortly after. I didn't need to go to him to know, that he was dead.

Only now did I realize, how much this scene affected the others and how much it would affect me. Reading it and experiencing it, are truly two different things.

When you read or see something like this you say 'Oh, there is an attack happening, no true feelings, even if you imagine it. Oh, how much I underestimated. And it won't be better in the future.

Now I want to protect Eric even more. Hell, why only protect Eric?! Juliet and the others deserve just as much protection. No one deserves such fate.

With the new insight in mind I pulled Eric and Juliet to the exit. It was very crowded, after all, everyone

wanted to flee. I pushed them trough the exit, making sure they went trough. "Go outside and bring her with you. I sill see you on the other side.", I asaid to Eric, I need to do other things.

I hurried back to the arena. I need to help the others, at least trying. This is not about story relevant characters, but because anyone deserves help.

- - -

Eric saw this. He was irritated and angry. How could he leave now? Wasn't he his friend? He went back to the arena. How could you leave me. I'll get you back!

Suddenly someone hold him back. It was Juliet. Eric wanted to shake her of, but before he could, Juliet shoke her head:" Don't go now. He wants us to be save, he wants you to be save. He also wants to save the others. Besides, we can't do anything now." She said, nearly crying.

Eric was still angry:" But why does he leave me. Am I no better than the others?"

Juliet was a little shocked by his words, but she quickly cought herself:"No, you are very special to him. I don't know you both for long, but I know that you are special to him.

He even took you to savety first, so he could save others without bringing you in danger. He cares about you the most. He just doesn't want to see the others die. So please, do him a favor and stay where it's safe, alright.?"

Eric tought about it and than nooded. Juliet was happy. She made a note to make sure to befriend them both.