Chapter Forty-Nine

Ice flooded Soren's veins as he processed Marcel's words. The elf was implying that Amelia was in more danger than they'd realized. That much was clear. But what was he talking about? A great change? Who will they stand behind? What kind of nonsense was Marcel talking about now? 

Soren looked up when Marcel placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come," He said. "Let's get her into a bed where she can rest." 

Nodding, Soren supported Amelia with one arm braced under her legs, the other behind her shoulders. He was caught off guard by how little she weighed. Looking down at her pale face, he couldn't help but think about how vulnerable she was. As his mind wandered back to the dangers that would surely rip this poor girl to shreds, he turned to leave the room through a side door.