Their sudden arrival could only mean two things. Either Phoenix had already been exposed or might be exposed soon. Of course, she could never let that happen, she would never let the efforts of the protectors and the hope of Athenian's waste.

"We came for you" Grimm smirked in disgust. "For me?" she scoffed, walking to stand in front of them. They did not back down either.- the three stood, two glaring at one.

"You know, you are not that important" Grimm said, taking steps back, leaving her and Zayn in the deadlock. "we felt a strong surge of power today, who would have thought that after tracing it, we would be led here." he continued.

"that does not give you a reason to spy on me." Paisley sneered and continued. "I'm warning you, go back!" Zayn raised his eyebrow and scanned her, he could tell something about her was off. Paisley threw her left hand out, sending a silver fire at Grimm, not for a fight, but to vent her anger on him because of her shoulder wound.

Just before it could reach him, Zayn blocked it with his shield formed from his hands. "I advise you to give up any idea you have about hurting my brother", Zayn said. He flicked his sleeves and brushed his red hair up, his dark circles showed how tired he was. In all honesty, they came for her. To seek her protection, not for anything else. Sadly, before they could explain, she had already concluded the worst."

''You better leave before I get physical." Just as she said that Grimm's irritation increased, he could not stand her blabbing mouth. They had searched everywhere for her and just when they were led here, without even stating anything, she ordered them to leave. Why won't he be irritated? ''SHUT UPP! Please" he raged at her, "can you just listen?' he gritted his teeth, asking her.

"Why should I listen to you, get out" she shouted and turned her back to walk off, "Danger" her inner thoughts warned her. A scream rang through the air as ice covered them. Blocking the fireball, Grimm shot at her. Zayn, who had been quietly watching the girl hiding behind the window, was stunned. At first, he could not tell if she could see them, because of the array he set {The array blocked people with powers from seeing them}

Phoenix stood at the window of her apartment facing them, her black eyes had changed to an icy blue, her entire being carried a powerful aura, and her hands shot out ice at the fire, cascading it. The amount was just right, putting out the fire. Paisley, Zayn, and Grimm stood quietly watching her. The girl they watched seemed to have no idea of what she was doing. She was a different person, her eyes slowly went back to their former black. She looked down from her window, instantly stunned at the sight.- there was bright white snow on a spot, and ashes were around the snow, -" She's accurate'' Zayn said out loud. Pulling them back to reality.

The stricken Paisley resumed her pressuring, chasing them to leave.

"Who is that?" Zayn asked not minding her, his tired eyes lit up brightly watching Phoenix at the window, as he watched her he noticed she started looking pail. She looked exhausted, his heart ached for some reason. He moved his hands and took down the array, then he walked briskly towards the entrance. "STOPP!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" paisley shouted running after him followed by Grimm.