Zayn struggled to open the door to Phoenix's house. In his anxious state, he did not realize the door was locked. He pulled and pushed, banging it as his frustration increased. "what are you trying to do?" Paisley asked, coming up behind him.
She moved him to the side and stood in front of the door, very confused as to why Zayn would suddenly run off to Phoenix's apartment.
"Unlock it quickly". He charged at her, his voice trembling as he spoke, paisley's eyes met his just as she was about to refuse, She swallowed down her earlier words, As she turned around, she fumbled through her purse to find her keys. Eventually, she was able to locate them and quickly opened the door.
Zayn rushed through the door, leaving them behind. Paisley turned around, locking eyes with Grimm. She gave him an awkward smile and rushed in. he sighed watching her rush in and made his way in too. They walked into the room, to meet the sight of an unconscious phoenix and a worried Zayn kneeling beside her. Zayn raised his head to meet their eyes, Grimm was shocked, he had never seen Zayn lose composure for anyone before. in a way, he was jealous that< The first time He lost composure was not for him, his closest friend. But for a girl, he just met.
They approached Zayn to understand what happened, Phoenix, was laid by the window, her head resting on Zayn's body. She looked pale and lifeless. "Just great, in one day she has fainted more than once," Paisley said as she turned around and bent down. Together, they lifted Phoenix and placed her on the couch."What do you mean by more than once?" Grimm asked, looking confused. Paisley glanced at him before returning her focus to adjusting Phoenix. "Is she one of us?" They both turned to Zayn when he spoke up, causing the room to fall silent. It was clear from the signs that she didn't need to say anything .Zayn sat on the floor beside Phoenix who was resting on the couch. He looked at her body and gently held her right hand. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness seeing her in this state. He wished he could share his strength with her to make her feel better, but then he realized how strange that thought was. After all, they had just met.
""Look!! LOOK!" Grimm exclaimed urgently, waving his hand to get their attention and pointing toward Phoenix, the girl's eyes fluttered open, Zayn and Phoenix held hands tightly, their fingers entwined with a strong and unbreakable grip. As they touched, energy passed through Zayn's hands to Phoenix, slowly replenishing the energy she lost. It was like a miracle, they couldn't comprehend what had happened.
The three stayed stunned, unable to process the reality of the situation. Phoenix coughed lightly, breaking their thoughts. Recovering first, paisley quickly sprang into action. She stood up and helped Phoenix sit up, making sure she was comfortable. Without hesitation, Paisley ran to grab some water for her to drink, knowing it would help her recover. It was a moment of shock and confusion, but with Paisely's quick thinking and caring nature, they were able to start getting back on track." what just happened?" with a raspy voice Phoenix ask dryly, She watched the odd expression on their faces, it was at this point she wished she could read minds. " what do you mean, what happened. It was you, you.... er...." Grimm started to say but was cut short by the sharp glare Zayn gave him, if looks could kill, he would have died a million times. Phoenix shifted her eyes from Zayn to Grim, curious about the private conversation they were having. Just then, Paisley walked in with the glass of water she brought for her. Her gaze rested on Grimm, indicating that she had heard what he had said.
Paisley and Zayn had already silently decided not to reveal what had happened to Phoenix, and it seemed like they were going to stick to that plan.The room fell into an awkward silence, with Phoenix quietly drinking her water. After a few moments, she finished and cleared her throat. "I know what happened. You don't need to hide it from me," she said calmly. Everyone in the room looked at her, surprised at her sudden admission. But there was also a sense of relief, knowing that the truth was finally out in the open. Phoenix had a way of bringing people together, even in the toughest of situations. Ii will take you to get answers 'Paisley said lowly.