
Antonia's POV

I woke up in the cells as I thought about what had happened.No this was just a bad dream, it couldn't have happened in front of me.

I pinched myself to make sure it was all a bad dream, I was hurting and the fact that I was in the cells with a few wounds confirmed that this was not a dream.

Everything that had just happened was real. Rodrigo had betrayed all of us, he had just attacked my pack from the inside, killed mom and dad and most of the people who dared to go against him.

All this time, dad thought that he was the right person who would help save our pack when the need arose yet he in fact was the one who was going to attack us.

What was I going to do now? I was here locked up for four hours now and I couldn\'t even break out. Rodrigo was so going to pay for whatever he had done to my people and family but first, I needed to get out of here. I couldn\'t even mourn for my dead parents since he denied me that right and locked me up here, why had he done all of that. I just sat there as I cried my heart out for whatever was going on out there.

If I hadn't shot that traitor Phillip because of my failure to control my anger, none of this would have happened.

Phillip Anthony was my dad's beta and Rodrigo's father. He along with his son manipulated my dad into getting me married to Rodrigo saying that we would be stronger together and that we would be able to defeat the enemy that was coming.

My dad rarely had dreams but when he did, those dreams were always a message of what was to come in the future. He recently had a dream that our pack was going to be attacked and most of our pack members were going to lose their lives including mom and dad. He also dreamed that the only way to stop this was if we got a powerful ally who would help us defeat the enemy though he didn't see who the powerful ally was.

When dad called the meeting with his Gamma and Beta, Beta Phillip suggested that I marry his son Rodrigo who grew up in Spain saying that he was a suitable ally.

Since I was an only child and the fact that Rodrigo had beta blood in him, well trained who can afford to hire any desired amount of fighters for defence and a successful businessman in different parts of the world, it didn\'t take a lot of convincing for my dad to accept his proposal.

A month after the wedding, Rodrigo and his men attacked us from the inside and everything that my dad dreamed about and was trying to prevent happened.

'If I hadn't shot Rodrigo's dad, we would still be captured but my mom and dad would be alive, I don't know how I was going to live with the fact that I was the cause of my mom and dad's dead.

'Don't beat yourself up for your parents, death, Rodrigo still was going to kill them.' Erica my Lycan said.

I don't know how long I had been unconscious but I was all chained good enough my dad made sure that our cells were not too bad and if it weren't for the chains and the wounds, I would swear that this was a guest room in a small motel.

'What now, how are we going to survive without them?' I asked Erica.

'They raised us right doll, we will survive this and we will make Rodrigo pay for betraying us, for the death of your parents and all the other pack members that we lost.But first, we need to get out of here.' She replied.

Before I could ask anything else, I saw a guard opening my cell and footsteps coming down towards us only to reveal Rodrigo.

The moment I laid my eyes on him, I couldn't help the smirk that formed at the corner of my lips. He would always remember the day he betrayed us.

He had a black patch on one of his eyes and a big straight scar on his jaw that's when I remembered that I had pulled it out of his sockets.

"You look handsome with that eye patch on you." I annoyingly said.

"Don't provoke me you whore.I might just kill you sooner than I plan to. Don't think that you are going to stay alive for too long, what you did to my face will cost you your life"He threatened to press on my jaws hard.

I just laughed at him like he was telling me the best joke ever.

"And you think I am afraid of dying, you killed my parents remember? I might as well join them and I will be grateful to you for doing that." I said straightening my face and biting my teeth.

His threats were not going to work on me.

"I am planning to kill you but not just yet, I need to make you suffer to the maximum before I kill you and dispose off that body of yours or feed it to the lions. Anything that will give me the satisfaction I need just like what I\'m going to do right now."He said coming close and crouching down to my level.

What was he going to do?

He then stuck his long tongue out and passed it up and down my jaw. I then spat saliva on his disgusting face but he just let out his maniac laugh, touched where it had landed and then sucked his fingers. He then looked at the guys who are guarding the cell and they locked the cells and left.

My heart was now beating fast in my chest.

No, he wouldn't do that, this was the last bit of dignity I was left with but it seemed that it wasn't going to last long.

He then started to unbuckle his belt.

"Wha..what are you going t..to do?"I asked.

"What does it look like I'm going to do.I\'m going to have some fun with the so called lady Alpha."He replied

"Don't you dare touch me Rodrigo or I swear you are going to regret it.I'm going to.."I tried to threaten him but he cut me off.

"What are you going to do to me? Those empty threats do not work on me!"He said walking towards me. Though I had chains on me, I pushed myself back on my butt hoping that he wouldn't touch me until I back reached the wall.

"Remember on our wedding night, you turned me on and left me hard and in pain.Now it's time for you to pay for it."He said.

"I never turned you on and it's not like we were in love anyway.What made you think that I would let you touch me.You even seemed okay with it but you a monster how could you even dare knowing well that you found your mate!"I yelled at him.

"I wanted to make everything look so real, I never wanted you to suspect anything and it worked.And the sex, it was supposed to be a bonus, I didn\'t and don\'t care what she thought.You people look too much into sex but it\'s just pleasure and giving our bodies what they want because technically, all bodies are the same." He shamelessly replied. Although he was annoying, I needed to divert him from what he was planning to do to me.

"So you don\'t mind when your mate fucks other men?" I asked.

"No I don\'t but she is just not interested in sleeping around she only wants me" He replied shrugging.

"Does she know about what you have been doing all this time?" I asked.

"She does, who wouldn\'t want to be a Luna to one of the largest pack around?"He replied.

I guess I was dumb to ask that because birds of the same feathers flock together. I guess I was just hoping that his mate was not part of Rodrigo\'s schemes but I was wrong.

"But do you have any idea how low you stooped, you even pretended to change your behavior just to make us believe that you are a changed man."I told him.

"It doesn\'t matter as long as I have got what I always wanted. I pretended to care for the omegas and treat them like we are the same but guess what? That is not true, I am better than all those low lives and they have to respect me." he yelled.

"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth." I told him.

"It doesn\'t matter. Now I think we have talked enough. Let the fun begin." He said.

I thought I had succeeded in diverting him but I was lying to myself, some monsters can never get diverted.

"Rodrigo, I beg you please don\'t do this to me!"I said tears streaming down my face.

"Like I told you before, my body has needs that need to be attended to now stay still and let me get to work." he said straddling me. I put my chained hands on my chest to prevent him from touching my buttons but that didn\'t stop him.

He forced his head to my neck as he kissed it and then moved to my collar bone. All I did was scream, yell and kick but he never listened.

It was then that an idea popped into my head...

I moved my chained hands to his neck and then joined them at the back of his neck so that the chain was pressing his neck hard and it worked. His face started to turn red and I saw the only eye he had left almost bulged from its socket.

He struggled to break free but I tightened my hands, I wasn\'t letting him do shit to me. And the moment I had him in my grip I never wanted to him go until he was dead.

He tried to ask for help but he couldn\'t make any sounds, he tapped on the floor but I refused to let him go. I was so close to finishing him when I had him punch me hard on the stomach that I set him free.

I groaned at the pain as he fell on the sides cupping his neck then pushed himself as far as he could get away from me.

"You bitch!" He said punching me hard in the face when he steadied himself. He then kicked me hard in the back and the stomach.

"You think you are tough..huh.Let\'s see if you would still be that tough when I make you my mistress and concubine." He said revealing his ugly smile.

"Kiss my ass dickhead.I would rather die than be your concubine, ugly ass."I spat.

I looked at him and thought of what I could do to him in case I didn\'t have all the restraints. I would take his stupid head, cut his dick off and feed it to the dogs.

"It\'s your loss then.Now be in here until I decide on the best way to kill you." He said buckling his belt and turning to leave.

"I need some fresh clothes." I said before he could step out of the cell. My shirt\'s three top buttons had fallen off and the rest of the shirt was tone exposing me in my bra.The shirt was also stained with blood and sweat making me stink.

"I might do that if you beg for forgiveness and ask nicely."He said turning and walking back towards me.

I wasn\'t going to beg for forgiveness from that asshole because I had done nothing wrong.

"Alright then, I guess I should leave, you seem to be more comfortable just the way you are."He said when he didn\'t see me apologising and turned to leave.

"Can you get me some clothes, please?"I swallowed my pride and begged when he reached the cells.

"That\'s much like it.You are starting to have some manners and I am starting to like you."He said smiling at me.

"I will send my new omega to bring you the clothes and some food. I think you are hungry and might be happy to see her." He said referring to Fifi. Fiona was my best friend and a warrior of our pack but this monster decided to treat her like an omega.

"You are welcome." He said when I didn\'t thank him.

"Thank you."I said stopping the urge to roll my eyes. He then opened the cells and left.

Fifteen minutes later Fifi came to see me with water clothes and food escorted by guards, these were not our guards, I wonder where he had put my guards.

As soon as she entered the guards came in injected me the liquid I had no idea about and removed the chains then closed Fifi and me in the cells. I could talk but I couldn\'t move my hands. I guess the injection was to weaken me. When Fifi looked at me, she started crying and I cried too.

"Tonia, I\'m sorry."She said.

"Why would you be sorry, you didn\'t ask him to do all these things to me."I said through my sobs.

"I\'m sorry for not being able to help you."

"Don\'t be, there is nothing we can do."

"That monster, how dare he do this to you!" she said.

"He has the power, so everything definitely has to go his way." I said shrugging

"How are you dealing with the chores?"I asked changing the topic.

"I am fine, even though he over works me, that\'s nothing compared to this." She said and I nodded my head in understanding.

"Are my parents buried already?" I asked.

"I don\'t know, I heard the omegas say that they saw the guards put their bodies in the car and took them away but I have no idea where." She replied.

"What is going on with the pack members and the warriors." I asked.

"The warriors woke up and are now being tortured and the rest of the pack members are being threatened with their loved ones\' lives until they accept him." She said. Rodrigo had put something into the warriors food and they were all unconscious by the time he threw us over.

"That son of a bitch, I\'m just praying that I find a way of getting out of these cells and restraints because of I do, he will be sorry!" I said biting my teeth and balling my fists.

"I wish I could help get you out of here.But I will try even if it means seducing these guards." Fifi said making me smile sadly at her statement.

"Just do me one favor." I said.

"What is it, I will do anything." she quickly replied.

"Just stay alive."

Fifi cleaned me, fed me and helped me out on then she was asked by the guard to leave.