Antonia's POV

After Fifi left the room, memories of everything that happened to me replayed in my head and I cried myself to sleep.

As soon as I had woken up, I heard the sound of heels on the floor and with time they got closer and louder.

I looked up to see who had come and I saw the woman that was with Rodrigo on the first day Fifi and I met them at LA Flamingo.

Looking beside her were Rodrigo and two men.

"Is she the one?" She asked looking at her mate.

"She is." Rodrigo replied.

"l see." The lady replied as she mockingly looked at me.

"You filthy witch, look what you did to Rodrigo\'s face!" The woman said punching me on the cheek.

"Let me guess, you are the bitch that connived with that bastard, a weak excuse of a mate to fool with us so that you could be the Luna? "I said looking her straight in the eye.

"Wait, how could he be a weak excuse of a mate yet his mate is no different from him.A mate is supposed to guide, love and fix that partner not to support the wrong ideas they have got going in their fucked up brains."I added earning myself another punch from her but I was not fazed. There was nothing left for me to worry about.

My mom and dad had been killed whereas I was beaten and almost raped by Rodrigo. What more was there to fight for. I didn\'t mind dying because even at this moment, I felt like I was already dead anyway.

"For a prisoner, you have got so much to say." She said.

"You thought, I would cry and beg for shit, no honey.I do not say things to please others.I call a dog a dog." I said.

"I\'m going to kill this bitch!" Rodrigo\'s mate said as she wrapped her hand around my neck and began to squeeze.

I couldn\'t breathe and I believe my face had turned red. She sure was going to kill me but I didn\'t have much need to stay alive at the moment.

The wounds of my parents\' death were still fresh and as much as I wanted to take back whatever was mine and make whoever is involved pay, I missed my parents terribly.

Maybe it was better this way, I would get to be with my parents and leave the worldly things to Rodrigo.

"Des stop!"I heard Rodrigo say as he tried to part his mate away from me. So this was the bitch he was talking to the night he proposed.

'Des, I want you to trust me.'I had found him saying on the phone.

I should have known but since I wasn\'t in love with him, I never cared about who he was talking to. I coughed hard after my neck was released until my breathing was even.

"Let\'s just kill her and do other things, I can\'t stand this bitch."She replied pointing her finger at me as Rodrigo tried to calm her down.

"Not now baby.We still need something remember?"Rodrigo asked.

What something was he talking about, I needed to know what he wanted from me so I decided to keep annoying them until they said what it was.

"I don\'t fucking care, she is just so annoying." Des said.

"Who knew the woman was a psychotic bitch and the man was a greedy pig. What a perfect match." I commented.

"You witch!" Des said trying to slap me but again Rodrigo stopped her and kissed her which helped calm her down. This would be like a soap opera or hottest couple in Hollywood if they had not messed with me or were not evil.

"Did you just come here to break and make up in front of me? If that\'s the case then I don\'t mind, I haven\'t seen much romantic movies in a while."I said with a mocking smile.

I saw their eyes cloud over and I knew they were linking each other. When they were done, Des gave me one cold glance and I returned it with a smirk, she rolled her eyes and then left the cell.

Rodrigo then walked towards me and crouched down to my level.

"What do you want from me?"I asked him.

"I need the password to the alphas secret Locker." He said.

"And what do you want from the alphas Locker." I asked.

"There is there are some important documents that I need." he said scratching the back of his head.

Was he nervous? Well he had to be because I wasn\'t planning on handing anything over to him. There weren\'t only the documents but also the light crystal of our pack.

Apart from the links, the light crystal also made people love, respect, and obey the one who had it. It was always handed over to the next Alpha once the old one retired. Since my people refused to do all that for him, Rodrigo wanted to use that and at times the elders would visit packs to check on those crystals.

"Ooops, I guess you have approached the wrong person because dad never told me anything about those.I guess you killed him way too soon.Don\'t you think?"I asked. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Dad had called me one time and showed me everything I needed to see and know about, we even changed the password and also set it in a way that it can only be unlocked by my blood but we kept it between the two of us. Whoever had access to those documents and the light crystal of Campstone Pack was considered the Alpha by the elders.

"Don\'t play games with me Antonia, I know the Alpha told you the password when he crowned you the Alpha.So don\'t waste my time tell me the fucking password!" He yelled.

"What if I don\'t?"I asked raising my eyebrow.

There was nothing he was going to do that could make me tell him, was there?

"Let\'s look on the positive side of things.If you tell me what the password is, I will let you go freely along with some wealth.It\'s a win win."He said.

"First of all.Where did you take my parents?"I asked and he looked at me like I had grown two extra heads.

"What is that got to do with the password?"He asked.

"I would like to ask dad what the password is so that I could get my freedom."I said as if explaining to a two year old.

"Stop playing games Antonia, I need the fucking password and I know you have it."He said.

"And I need to see and be able to burry my parents in honor.If you make that possible for me, then I might think about giving you the password or just forget about it and blow the fucking pack."I told him giving him an annoying smile.

Another thing about the light crystal was that it had to be handled carefully. It was good when handled with care and it was dangerous to the extent that it could destroy the entire pack and a part of the neighborhood if Rodrigo decided to use the specialists to break the locker but he knew better not to because once he did, everything he had done would be in vein.

"That won\'t be possible since I asked my men to dig a pit and then throw them in there at the CDC."He said and I felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs.

The CDC was the Cemetery for Despised Creatures. It is where those people that had turned out to be a threat to the world creatures were buried. The pace was deserted and those people were always buried in the most devastating way and those pits would be sealed with magic to prevent those creatures or their spirits from coming back.

"I am going to make you pay for this once I get out of here.How dare you do that to them.My parents were good people.And if that is the case then forget about the password."I replied as tears ran down my cheeks.

Rodrigo then pulled out a knife and put it on one of the sides of my belly.

"Give me the password or I swear I am going to kill you, I\'m sure you don\'t want to see your intestines out do you?"He whispered in my ear.

I looked him straight in the eye and before he realized it, I had pushed the knife in my stomach. Blood oozes out of my body and within seconds it was spread on the floor like a pool.

"What have you done?"He yelled.

"I am not scared of death at least not anymore.Now I guess you will never know the password."I whispered and then passed out.


I woke up to the sound of the monitor...

What the hell I had survived? I thought I was finally dead but seems my suffering wasn\'t enough and I came back to life.

When they realized that I was awake, Rodrigo and his mate came to the hospital.

"You really know how to get on my nerves woman.Don\'t you?"He asked when he entered."I want you dead but you will only die when I say so."He added.

"You thought you were smart didn\'t you?"I said raising an eyebrow.

"Babe don\'t waste your time in her, I think I just figured out a way to make her talk."Des said looking at me with a mocking smile on her face.

"And what is that?"Rodrigo asked.

She then mind linked her mate and filled him in. Once the link was broken, they looked at me smiling and then they left the room. Whatever their plan was, I asked the goddess to give me strength so that I keep my mouth shut.

Minutes later, Fifi came in to check on me in her omega uniform, I hadn\'t been expecting her but I was happy to see her.

"Hey, wat are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Rodrigo offered that I could come see you that it would help you feel better.Why would you do this to yourself?"She asked crying.

What was he up to?

I looked around the room to see if there were any security cameras but didn\'t see anything.

"What are you looking for?"Fifi asked.

"I want to see if they are seeing us or not." I told her. She helped me look but we didn\'t find anything so I relaxed.

"Rodrigo wants something from me. When I refused to tell him where it was, he threatened to kill me so I showed him that I wasn\'t scared of death by doing this." I replied. showing her my wound in the abdomen.

"What does he want?"She asked me.

"The important pack documents and the light crystal.He wants to know the password but he doesn\'t know that it\'s my DNA."I replied.

"What do you mean your DNA?"She asked confused.

"In order for me to be the only one to access the locker, dad and I decided that we use my DNA as the password but he doesn\'t know tha."I elaborated.

"Please don\'t do anything that dangerous again, I need you, this pack needs you.You need to take him down and get back your position.You have no idea how much people are suffering ever since all this happened.They are relying on you to save them.Promise me that you won\'t try to kill yourself ever again."She said.

"I promise you."