Chapter 3

Antonia's POV

As we were still talking, the doctor came in to check on me and told Fifi that she was needed so she left.Although Rodrigo had so many well trained men, he didn't have a doctor who was as good as ours so our pack doctor wasn't changed.

“Lady Alpha, I'm so sorry for everything that happened”He said looking sympathetic.

“Do not call me that Arvin at least for now.I don't want you to get in trouble”I told him.

Before he could say anything, Rodrigo and his mate entered the room.

“So how is patient doing doctor?”Rodrigo asked

“She is out of danger, she will be okay with time now sir Rodrigo”Doctor Arvin replied

“How many times do I have to remind you that I am no longer sir Rodrigo, I am Alpha Rodrigo and I want you to call me that”He yelled at Doctor Arvin, poor man.

“S-Sorry Alpha, it slipped my mind but I will not make that mistake again”The Doctor apologized

“You better not because the next time you do that, you will be punished understood?”Rodrigo threatened

“Yes Alpha”

“Good. Now I need to have a conversation with Antonia can you please give us some privacy?”He asked Arvin

“Sure thing Alpha”He said and left the room.

“So are you ready to tell us what the password is or we use plan B”Rodrigo asked me.I wasn't planning on telling them shit but I was curious and scared about plan B.

“I gave you the conditions that you failed to fulfill which means I am not telling you anything.What is your plan B anyway?”I asked

“You will see it in a while”He said looking at me.

“Guards”He yelled and two men came in, unlocked the handcuffs that they had tied on my right arm and connected on the bed and then put me in a wheel chair not forgetting to tie my arms and legs.

“Where are you taking me?”I asked looking at Rodrigo and her mate who had an evil smile on her lips.

“You will see”Was their reply.

They led me to the interrogation room with all the torturous materials that they could find.Did they think I was going to talk because of these.Being the next Alpha in line, my dad made sure that I got the training like the rest of the training Alpha's.At first I saw it as suffering but the more I grew up and the more I trained, I got to love it and live with it.Rodrigo would be stupid to think that torturing me would make me talk.

“Hahaha. So this is the plan B, do you think torturing me would do the trick and make me talk.You are all crazy”I laughed and told them as I shook my head.

“Torturing you may not make you talk but it might do the trick and make us know what we need to know”He replied

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“The door is open”Des yelled

Just then, I saw the two guards coming in with Fifi.What were they going to do.Fifi would never say or do anything that I do not want to be revealed or done.

“W-What is going on here?”She asked looking confused

They then put handcuffs on her too and made her seat across me.

“Phiona , do you happen to know the password to the Alpha's secret locker?”Des asked

She looked at me then back at the bitch that asked her and then looked at Rodrigo.

“No I don't.I am not an Alpha so things like these are unknown to us”she confidently replied.Yeah that was my girl she knew what to say by just looking at the situation even without being briefed.

“Are you sure?”Rodrigo asked picking up a stun gun.He switched it on and put it on my arm.I felt electric shocks spread throughout my body and I began shaking, after a half a minute, he removed it and turned to Fifi.

“You are her best friend, she might have said something.Are you sure you have no idea?”Rodrigo asked her

After what she had just seen, Fifi failed to answer.She then looked at me and I gave her a small encouraging smile.I was now worried that she would talk, I don't know how much control she had.She was my best friend and loved me a lot and I did the same.I don't know if I would see her like this and failed to help her.

“I don't know anything”she said after sighing.

“I thought you loved your friend more than that but I must say, I am disappointed”He said shocking me again .This time the shock was so much worse than the first one.I couldn't helped but scream in agony.

“Are you sure you don't know”He asked again.She looked at me and was about to open her mouth when I gently shook my head for her not to say anything.

‘I can't do this any more Tonia.I can't sit and watch you being tortured by these assholes’She mind linked me.

‘You can, we can't let them get their filthy hands on the documents and the light crystal’I replied

“I said I don't know why don't you just end this already”She yelled frustration visible on her face.

“You are right maybe we should just end this but don't forget though, this was your decision”Rodrigo coached the gun and put it on my head.

‘I'm sorry Tonia but I can not let this happen’she linked me.Her eyes were glassy with tears.

‘Don't do this’I said but she wasn't listening to me.

“The password is her DNA”Fifi quickly told them before Rodrigo could pull the trigger.

“I knew you wouldn't let your friend die.You are really a good friend Phiona and I knew it was a good idea to keep you around”He said smiling at Fifi.

“Who would have thought that all along the password was your DNA.I must say, your dad was cunning”He said circling me.

“I think we should go open it now.Take this one back to the kitchen, I think there are chores for her to do ”Des said.

They untied Fifi and led her out of the room.They also drove me in my wheel chair towards the Alpha's office the one that had been mine some time back.These fuckers had changed most of the things in the office, they had removed my and dad's portraits and replaced them with theirs with their names on them.Des's portrait had the name Destiny Oroyo Anthony written on it.So her full name was Destiny.Well we shall see what destiny awaits that conniving bitch.The furniture was also changed and a new colour was painted on the walls.

Rodrigo sent one of the guards the keys to the room connected to the Alpha's office where the locker was.

“See how good looking the office is thanks to me and my handsome mate”Destiny said when she saw me looking around

“Do you mean to say this one eyed ugly ass monster? I doubt there is a kid who wants to be close to him”I told Destiny.I wasn't the mean kind of person and would never make someone feel bad about themselves because of the way they look but when it came to Rodrigo, I did it with passion.

“And by the way that look fits you better it gives ‘the monster guy’ vibe but I'm warning you though, it will be hard for you to get a woman who truly loves you especially the one that has the same character traits like yours. They will be with you because of your money and power but once they get the chance, they will kill you and find some hot guys maybe even among your hot bodyguards and rule with them” I taunted him and I knew every word I said stung.I saw Rodrigo ball his fists and grit his teeth.

“You talk too much do you know that”Destiny said pointing the gun at me.

“I was just saying, why does it bother you yet I didn't mention your name and please go ahead and pull the trigger you will be saving me from unlocking the damn locker”I said smiling at her

“As soon as we finish unlocking the locker, you will be dead meat.Take my word”Destiny said

“Before you die, I will make sure that I hold both of your eyes in my hands”He threatened.I just shrugged at him.

“I would rather be dead without eyes than being a walking dead”I replied.It was then that the guard brought the keys.They opened the room and took me in front of the locker.

‘Goddess please help me’ I silently prayed.

Rodrigo grabbed my finger and lifted it up taking it to the locker.I started to panic, I didn't know how to get myself out of this situation.The moment my finger touches the locker it will all be done and Rodrigo will have access to everything. But before he could press it there, a guard broke in interrupting him.

“Alpha we have an emergency”He said panting

“What is it?”Rodrigo asked

“There has been an explosion at the Swift Enterprises”He said.

“Take her back to the hospital and you know what to do”He ordered the guys then turned to his mate.

“Let's go”He said to her.

I smiled internally this was my lucky day, I need to find a way to get out of here before they made me unlock the locker.I was going to think of a way when I reach the hospital or I may just start now.

“You guys are way too hot to be bodyguards”I started but got no response from the guys that were taking me back to the hospital.

I guess I will have to find another way to start the conversation.

When they took me back to the hospital, they injected me with a brown liquid that I didn't notice and I felt dizzy till I passed out.


When their stupid injection wore out, I gained my consciousness though I still felt dizzy.I looked at my hand that was again put on handcuffs and connected to the bed.

Just then, Arvin walked in to check on me.

“Do you have cameras in here?”I asked him.

“No Alpha we don't”Was his reply

“Then how do you know that I'm awake everytime”I asked him looking confused.Everytime I wake up, he shows up in less than a minute.He smiled at me before replying

“I know how long the injection lasts in your body so I set an alarm to the time I expect you to wake up”

“Ohh and how long have I been passed out?”I asked

“The injection is supposed to make a person sleep for twelve hours but since you are special, you were out for half of that time”He replied

“Is Rodrigo and Destiny back?”I asked

“Not yet but I have heard the guards say that they are on their way back”He replied and I let out a huge sigh.I never wanted them to find me here.

“I know you are a well trained fighter lady Alpha and I assume you know how to use this”He said giving me a pin and I knew exactly what to do with it.

“Thank you Arvin”I gratefully thanked him.

“I did nothing Alpha.I always forget to close the door.Please be careful and take care of yourself, this pack needs you and please be quick”He said and left the room without locking the door. He had just given me a chance to escape.

I quickly used my free hand to unlock the handcuffs and within five minutes, I was done done.I forgot to ask Arvin about the guards so I had to find out myself.

I tip toed to the door careful not to make any unnecessary noise, since I was barefooted, it wasn't so hard to achieve my goal and then popped my head out.There were two guards one on the left and another one on the right side of the corridor.

I filled two injections with whatever chemical it is that they had given me earlier and then made my way out.

In one second, I had reached the first guy without him noticing and injected him so he fell unconscious in the floor.I picked his gun and took it with me for protection.The other guard had seen me so he ran towards me.I should have fought him but I didn't have my best fighting strength so I ran and hid down the stairs.

As he was wondering which route I had taken. He walked passed me and called Rodrigo informing him that I had escaped.His back was exposed to me, I injected him too and he fell on the floor like a sack of beans.I picked his gun too so I had two guns now.

Since Rodrigo was informed, I needed to move fast before I could be captured.I knew this place like the palm of my hands so hiding and getting away wouldn't be so difficult.As I was still figuring out where to go, I saw men coming towards me.How did they figure out where I was.I didn't waste any time.

With my speed and target, I shot all of them down and got away.I then ran towards the exit of the hospital.I looked up and realised that Rodrigo had inserted cameras all over the hospital.I shot the cameras that were watching me and continued to get away as I shot the guards that I found n the way.

More men came towards me but unfortunately the bullets were no more in both guns.I shifted mid air and jumped towards them, scratching their faces.Some of them started shooting at me but since I was a lycan, I climbed the wall without difficult.Whenever they tried to shoot at me,they missed.They ended up shooting the lights and windows. Since all of them were shooting at me back and forth, they finally managed to land two silver bullets in my front leg and the back leg and I fell on the ground.

“Stop shooting, the Alpha wants her alive”One of the guards said.

I shifted back to my human form but the pain I was feeling was intense, I doubted that I could survive.

“Should we take her to the hospital Alpha, she needs help there is no way you are going to get what you want from her when she is like this.She is dying”I heard Arvin's panicked voice asking.

“No need, she has given me a lot of trouble and you are wrong doctor, I will get what I want from her although she is like this. And you are lucky you are a good doctor and I will need you around, otherwise you would be dead by now because of your negligence.

Guards carry her to the Alpha's office so that we could get this done over with and get rid of her once and for all”Rodrigo answered

They carried me and led me to the office but I was loosing a lot of blood.I doubted my chances to survive this.

I was too weak to even fight when Rodrigo made me unlock the locker.After he was done shot me in the chest.

“Throw her away from the pack, to the no man's land”were the last words I heard before I went to oblivion.

That marked the end of me and whatever it is that I was fighting for.Life was so hopeless.

Gretchen's POV

“George, I'm scared. I don't know if I can do this”I told my husband who had just helped me sit on the horse.I could do everything just fine even if it meant going to war alone but my worst fear was riding a horse since the day I saw my uncle fall off and broke his back.Now he is in a wheel chair.

“You can baby, you don't know how savage my fierce queen would look like when she is on her own horse”George replied kissing the back of my hand.

“But this is really dangerous”I said

“Believe me my queen, this is one of the most peaceful and good looking horse we have here.And she likes you.Don't you worry though, since today is going to be the first time you can ride with seating in the carriage, we will go slow, it will be more like we are taking a walk”He replied

“Can you seat on this one with me, take that one back if you want me to ride a horse”I said to him.He put the second horse with the carriage back and climbed my horse.He sat so close to me that I could feel the warmth of his chest and the beating of his heart.

He then pulled the horse and it started moving.We walked around Veganhill kingdom and when the ride seemed to be more romantic and peacefully, I asked George that we keep going.We went a little bit further to the no man's land.George even turned me so that I was looking into those mesmerizing eyes as we kept moving.

We were so lost in each other's embrace until we had the horse make noise and stopped moving.As soon as he heard that, George snapped out of it and looked around until I saw his eyes stuck somewhere in the ground.

“What's wrong?”I asked following his gaze only to be met with a lady's body on the ground.

We quickly climbed down and went to check on her.George touched her hand to see if he could feel her pulse

“She is still alive but she might die any moment”He said

“Hurry, let's help her”I told him.He turned and looked at me.

“She is a were wolf.We can't take her to our territory”He said.We were vampires and vampires and wolves were sole enemies.

“But she needs help, we can't leave her here to die.I won't be able to rest easy knowing that I could do something to help her but just left her to die”I told him.

George seemed to be having a hard time thinking about what to do.He looked at me not wanting to deny my request.

“Fine, let's take her”He said after letting out a sigh.

“Thank you so much”I told him.

We picked up the dying woman and took her to Veganhill kingdom to see if we can save her.