Chapter 4

Antonia's POV

“Will she make it doc?”I heard a male voice ask.

“I don't know for sure your highness.Sometimes she looks like she is improving but the next time I check on her, she looks like she is getting worse”I heard a small voice reply.But I couldn't see them.My eyes were closed and every part of my body seemed heavy, I couldn't even move my pinky finger.

“What are we going to do now?”I heard another lady ask worriedly.Why was I hearing these unfamiliar voices yet I could not see them.

“There is this one medication we haven't tried yet but it's quite dangerous, it works only on people of our kind.I don't know if it will work on her as well”Another woman replied

“Try it on her, you never know she might already be like us and survive”I heard the man say.

That's all I heard before I became unconscious again.I just prayed that I remember whatever voices I heard because I failed to understand what they are talking about.


Gretchen's POV

“Why hasn't she woken up yet?”I asked the doctor when I went to check on the woman that we had brought to Vegan Hill.It had been two weeks since we brought her to the kingdom but she had been in a coma since then with no signs of waking up.She was neither getting better nor worse.I was starting to loose the hope I had that she would wake up.

“I don't know why she hasn't responded yet but since she hasn't gotten worse, it means that our medication didn't have a negative effect on her. Let's give her some more time”the doctor said

“Don't worry my queen, she will be okay”George said trying to comfort me.The woman lying on the hospital bed reminded me more of myself and I wanted her to be saved as well.

“I hope so"I said.

Just then, we heard a quick knock on the door before Phil Clark, George's young brother walked in.

“Hey, Welcome back”I said giving him a hug.

“Thank you Gretch”He said “Brother” he added hugging his brother.

“How did your vacation go”I asked.

“It was aweso-”He said but before he could finish the statement, she looked past us to the patient laying on the bed.

“What is a wolf doing on our territory?”He asked his usual smoky face turning to that of furry.Vampires and were wolves were not the best of friends but Phil hated them more than anything because he almost got killed by one of them some time back.

His usual hazel eyes looked like they have blazing fire in them and the atmosphere in the room immediately changed.That was what always happened when George or his brother became mad.

“We found her barely alive in no man's land two weeks ago so we decided to help her”George replied

“And you brought her here, in a vampire's territory.Do you know the danger you have brought here?”Phil asked his brother

“Calm down, will you.The lady is in a coma, she is in no position to harm anyone”I told him

“You know very well that if dad were around, he wouldn't approve this”Phil told him George

“You have never helped me with anything regarding this kingdom since I was crowned the king now you are here criticizing my decision to help the lady.Do you think he would approve the fact that all you do is go out on vacations with different women?”George asked Phil

“That is different, I have never done a thing to put this kingdom in danger but this here, is real danger and you need to send her away”He said pointing at the woman lying on the bed.

“No, we are not sending her away.What is wrong with you? If we send her away in this condition, she is going to die”I told him

“As soon as she wakes up, we are sending her away”Phil said looking at me and his brother.He then looked at the woman on the bed and then left the room.

Antonia's POV

I woke up looking straight to the white ceiling and the sound of a beeping monitor.I looked around and realized that I was the only one in the room.What was I supposed to do now.

As I was still asking myself what to do, a woman with brown blonde curly hair and chocolate brown eyes showed up wearing a white doctor's coat.

“Hi, I'm so glad you are awake”She said smiling at me.

“Wh- where am I?” I asked the lady.

“In the clinic”She replied

“Hey, do not bullshit me.I can see I'm in the clinic but where?”I asked

“That is not my question to answer dear but stay here.I will let them know that you are awake and when they come, you can ask them everything you want to know”She said and left the clinic.

I still can't believe that I survived, nobody could survive everything that I went through but I did.It seems that the goddess still needed me around and I still had a task which was to take back the throne as the Alpha of Campstone and make Rodrigo pay for all the foul shit he did to all us, all the innocent lives that he took for his selfish reasons needed justice.I didn't realize that I was thinking too hard until I felt pain in my arm when I balled the hand into fists.

I took it out of the covers to check it, it had bandages on it.

‘Erica?’ I called my lycan wolf as I checked my wounds out but got no reply.Was she dead, I hoped not because I needed her around to keep me on my feet since everyone else I loved and knew was no longer around.

“Does it hurt?”I heard a female voice ask.I looked at the entrance only to be met by a man and a woman.Wait, they were vampires.Although my senses where shit for now, I could tell a vampire by looking at it.They were kind of pale and I happened to get a glimpse of the guy's canines.When I realised what they were, I forced my aching arms on the bed and pushed myself back wards.

I thought I had survived and it turns out that I ended up with the vampires.Vampires and wolves or Lycans were not the best of friends and they despised each other.If by any chance a were wolf or lycan was spotted in the vampire territory, it would be killed in spot.This was worse than death, Rodrigo should have killed me instead of throwing me to these blood suckers because I wasn't in the mood to be sucked to death.

“Hey, hey. Calm down.We are not going to hurt you”The beautiful female vampire said putting her hands in the air.She was beautiful, intimidating yet soft.What a combination.That was what I had learnt the last one minute I saw her.

“Calm down sweetie, I swear we mean no harm” she said looking me in the eyes was she compelling me, because I believed her and tried to calm myself down.

“Did you just compel me?”I asked when she got close to my bed.

“No sweetie, there is no reason to compel someone if your intentions towards them are pure. And I doubt you are compellable” She replied smiling.Though I didn't get what she meant by me not being compellable but I decided to ignore it.

I stole a glance and looked at the vampire at the entrance whose expressions were an readable, he looked like an ice bag that couldn't be cracked.

“I am Gretchen and that is my husband George Clark ”The lady introduced and I could only give a slight node in agreement.Gretchen looked at me silently and I knew she was waiting for me to introduce myself.

“My name is Antonia Morgan”I managed to say.

“Wow, such a beautiful name” Gretchen said

Gretchen turned out to be a sweet caring woman around twenty five years and his iceberg husband looked to be around twenty seven or twenty eight years if I wasn't wrong.These two looked like they owned the place and just looking at their attires told me how filthily rich these people had to be.

“Thank you.Yours is beautiful too”Was my reply.Silence fell between the both of us and she looked like she needed answers from me but didn't know how to ask.I also needed answers from her and before she could ask, I decided I should ask first.

“H-How come I am alive and how did I end up here?” I asked

I saw Gretchen forwarding her arm to her husband who crossed the room and took it.He pulled forward two chairs in front of me and they settled down on those.

“My husband and I were out for a ride on our horses in the morning one day and that's when we saw a body of a lady lying down on a no man's land.

‘Wait, did she just say one day? I needed to know the day’

“Uhm, sorry for the interruption but how long have I been out?” I asked

“It's been a month dear”she replied looking at me sadly.I have been in a coma for the whole month, whoa that had to be the longest period I fell asleep.

“How did I survive, I am sure that I was shot straight in the heart” I asked them confused.

“That's what we thought at first but it wasn't straight in the heart, it was just close but you still were dying so I decided to bite you and now you are a vampire”She said

“Wait, what?” I asked raising my voice unable to believe what she just said to me.I was now a vampire, there was no chance of me going back to my pack.

“Calm down Antonia.What you are doing is not good for your system which hasn't healed yet”She said

“I doubt my people will accept to be led by a vampire”I said more to myself but they heard me.Like wolvesand lycans, their sense of hearing was perfect.

“They will accept you if they are understanding, reasonable and most importantly if they ever loved you like their leader”Gretchen said without doubt.

“I hope so”was my reply

“What's your story Antonia”George asked and that was the first time I heard him talk.His voice was commanding and screamed power and authority.

“My family, my pack and I were betrayed by our former beta and his son.Since I was my only father's child, that made me the next Alpha in line.My dad had a vision one night informing him of the coming attack and that I would only win with a strong ally.One thing about my dad's dreams was that they came true with time.Dad's beta decided that I marry his son saying that he is the strong ally they were referring to in the dream.Because he had money, the power and he was well trained with well trained fighters.

On our wedding day, I was named the new Alpha of pack.After a month of leading peacefully, we were attacked from the inside only to find out that it was Rodrigo and his dad our former beta.I was so upset when our former beta proudly told us how he betrayed my dad as he insulted him that I got the gun from the Rodrigo's guards and shot him dead.

It was a huge mistake because Rodrigo also got the gun and killed my mom and dad.He tortured me, almost raped me, put me in the cells, tortured my people for not accepting him, killed some of them and finally shot me after getting the light crystal”I said.

I saw tears rolling down Gretchen's face as she listened.I saw her hand crawling and touching mine.That's when I realised that I was even shaking at the memory.I hadn't realised that I was crying until I tasted the salty liquid on my tongue.

“What is the light crystal”George asked

“It's more like a shining glass stone or a diamond.It was given to Alphas of different packs and it's their duty to keep it safe.If you have it, you are accepted by the elders, people of the pack and other packs as the Alpha of that particular pack whose light crystal you are having.It can be dangerous though and can wipe out the entire pack and few of the neighborhood if not handled with care” I replied

“I'm so sorry”Gretchen said

“Don't be, I hate the word sorry, It makes me want to cry nonstop for hours”I replied forcing a smile on my lips.

“Sorry. Oh my God what wrong with me, I said it again.I don't know what to say now”she said making me laugh.She was cute, I was sure we could make good friends.

“Just tell me it will be okay.That's all I need to hear”I told her.

“It will all be okay dear, just trust the process”she told me.

“Thank you. Now I have got to go and deal with Rodrigo”I said and I saw her looking at me like I had grown two heads.George looked like he was studying me but I couldn't read his expressions.I had no idea what he was thinking.

“No, you can not go back right now, unless you want to get killed.You need to first heal”Gretchen worriedly said

“I will be fine Gretchen. I'm a fighter and I can protect myself”I replied.

“We saw how well you protected yourself last time.What is your plan.Feel us in”George said.He was right, I almost died last time and I didn't have the plan yet but did he have to be that harsh.I looked at him with a scowl on my face but didn't have a reply.

“I don't know how much strength you think you have but you can not deal with all the pack guards and warriors on your own worse still look at your arms, you can't even lift a glass of water.What makes you think that you can lift a weapon late alone use it.You are going to heal first, figure out your new abilities and how to use them then we will make plans that will help you get back what is righfully yours and all the justice you need”He said

“Yes, your majesty”I found myself replying.What the hell was wrong with me.Seeing my confusion, Gretchen laughed at me.Whar was so funny?

“It's because he is the vampire king and I am the vampire queen”she replied.

‘What the hell!’