Chapter 7

Antonia's POV

Phil had been driving for one and a half hour now and since we had started the journey, we had been silent.No one said anything to the other and it started bothering me but there was nothing to do, I wouldn't force someone to talk to me if he didn't want to talk to me.I let out a sigh before I asked.

“Are we almost there?”

“We still have an hour and a half to go”He simply replied.

‘Did he find me that insufferable?’I internally asked myself but when I didn't come up with an answer, I shrugged and I let him be.

I pulled out me earphones from my purse, connected them to my phone and played my favorite music.

I had this one bad habbit of singing out loud, even though I had earphones in my ears I couldn't help but sing at the top of my voice.Phil at first looked at me like I was crazy but then he went back and focused on his driving.He looked at me from time to time but I didn't care.

The music managed to take the boredom away from me because, I didn't even realize that we had reached until Phil made three consecutive beeps on the sterling.I looked up to see the large dark gates before us.The gate then opened to reveal five well built men dressed in black suits and black goggles.They reminded me of Rodrigo's men and the thought made me hiss.

“What's wrong?”Phil asked with a frown on his face.

“Nothing”I replied. He gave me the look that said he didn't belive me but when he realised that I wasn't going to tell him anything he sighed and drove.The guards didn't bother to check us as long as they saw their King's brother.

“You are welcome your highness” A guy came out and welcomed Phil.

“Thank you Freddie”Phil replied

“You are welcome Miss-”He said waiting for me to tell him my name.

“Antonia.And thanks for having us”I informed forwarding my arm for him to shake.Phil cleared his throat.

“I think we should head inside”Phil interrupted sounding agitated.This guy was so complicated.

“Uhhh, sure”Freddie said with a confused smile.

Freddie then led us inside and the whole place was buzzing with activities.It was a party mood.

“Where is Draco?”Phil asked Freddie

“He will be down in a minute.Please have a seat”He replied

We took our seats and the waiters were moving around with trays containing glasses filled with drinks.When one of them so us, he came and offered us some drinks.We didn't sit for long when Draco, his wife and men came down.The guests cheered at the sight of the birthday boy.

Draco went in front where the pulpit was and acknowledged his kings brother Phil, welcomed his guests and thanked them for coming.

“Who of those men standing next to Draco is Pete?”I asked Phil in a whisper.

“The one in a navy blue suit”He replied

“Quite good looking, this is going to be so much fun”I said

“Working with you was a bad idea”he replied

Draco and his wife then came and sat next to us.

“You have a beautiful girlfriend”Draco commented

“Uhh, I'm not his girlfriend.I am just a friend”I quickly replied

“Ohh sorry, but you guys looked like a really good couple”he said

“Sir Draco, it's time to cut the cake” one of the guys informed him

Draco, his wife and the guards stoop up leaving just me and Phil.

“Why does he have so much guards walking with him yet you and the king don't”I asked

“I guess he is not that much of a fighter and maybe he thinks having many guards radiates power, we on the other hand can protect ourselves just fine and we do not need people following us wherever we go”he replied

“It makes sense”I said nodding in understanding

“Now who is getting the flash between the both of us?”He asked

“Just keep the birthday boy busy and leave the rest to me”I said with a smile as an idea popped up in my head.

“What are you planning to do?”Phil asked

“Just wait and watch”I replied

“Do you have Pete's number?”I asked him.

“Yes why?”He asked looking confused

“Assist me with your phone”I asked.He looked at me as if looking for an answer but got none.He fished his phone from the pockets and have it to me.

I sent a quick text to Pete and in no time I got the reply that I wanted.I then deleted the messages and before I could give back the phone, another message popped up.I thought Pete had sent another message so I checked.‘It was a big mistake to check it’I thought to myself.

It was a message from one of Phil's women.‘Saying hello baby’ with an attachment of her nudes.

“Oops sorry, I think this..... message..... is for you”I said passing him his phone.He looked at the message and then liked at me with a gloomy face.

“Of course it is for me because this phone is mine”He replied

“Sorry”I said raising my hands in surrender.I didn't want him to make a big deal out of it.

After cutting the cake, and serving it, it was time for dancing.Draco and his wife danced first and then took a seat, it seemed that his wife was a jealous type who never liked to see him dance with anybody else.Just then, Pete came to me and asked me for a dance.I acted surprised at his request trying to act like I had nothing to do with it.

“Come on Pete, do not disturb the lady”Draco said

“No it's okay, I would love to dance with him actually.I replied with a smile and Pete returned it.

I put my hand in his and we made our way to the dance floor.

Pete then professionally pulled out a flash from his pockets and put it in my hand as we joined hands to dance.I don't think anybody realised that, not even me, I just felt the hard object in my hand and realised what it was when I studied the shape with my hand closed

I looked at Phil and slightly nodded my head for him letting him know that I had succeeded and he nodded back in understanding.

“You are quite intelligent”I commented

“And you are quite intelligent and beautiful” He replied

“Thank you.You are handsome yourself”I replied with a smile.

“You know I was going to ask you for a dance the moment I heard you say that you and his Highness are just friends.Even before you asked, you just made it extra easy for me”He told me.

“Oh really”I replied smiling at him

“Do you happen to have a boyfriend?”Pete asked

“No I don't.Why?”I knew exactly what he wanted but I decided to play dumb.

“I would love to be your boyfriend of you let me”And there he said it.At this point, I hated relationships due to what Rodrigo did to me.I would never let anyone else in that easily.I thought of how I could reject him and not make him feel bad at the same time.

“I think it's my turn to dance with my friend.Thanks Pete”Phil tapped on Pete's shoulder before I could reply.Even though he didn't know, he had just saved me from Pete's request.Phil looked angry but who cares, his mood swings were non of my business.

The moment our hands connected, I passed him the flash which he put in his pockets, he then touched me by my waist and pulled me roughly towards him.

“What the hell?”I asked in confusion.

“You seemed to enjoy dancing with Pete but the moment I touch you, you face changes”He stated

“Yeah I liked dancing with him because he was way gentle unlike some people who are rough”I replied

“So you are going to become his girlfriend?”Phil asked.What was with his questions, I only expected such from a jealous person and Phil and I were not but close to the word enemies.There wasn't any day that I remember us getting along.

“I have not decided yet but I am more on the yes side.You will give me his number and I will let him know when I make the decision”I said and I felt Phil's grip on me tighten.

“Hey, you are hurting me”I said pulling away from him.I then went and took a nearby seat.Phil followed and sat next to me.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you but please don't show these people around here that we are not getting along, they might get suspicious and we do not want to disappoint brother do we?”He asked

“Let's get out of here now.We have got what brought us here let's just go home, I am tired”I said and he didn't argue with me this time.He offered his hand for me to take and helped me stand up.

We walked towards Draco and said our goodbyes.Since we came from the kingdom, they respected us and did not argue with us so we gave him our gifts that I didn't even know what was in there since Gretch was the one who wrapped them up and left with no problem.

We then drove back home in silence after three more hours of sitting in the car, we reached home.George woke up when he was informed that we had returned, Phil handed him the flash.

“Thank you so much both of you.I think you two make a good team”George said smiling at us.

“No, please don't do it again.Don't send us on another mission together”I replied

“I will think about it”He replied.

I made my way to my bedroom, washed off the make up, changed into my pyjamas and fell asleep.