Chapter 6

Antonia's POV

I had been leaving at Veganhill for a month now and I was adjusting and getting used to the fact that I was not only a were wolf, Lycan but also a vampire.Gretchen being kind and loving as she was she helped me figure out how to use the vampire gifts and I was starting to master them.

There was this one vampire called Phil who didn't like me.He was the Vampire King's younger brother who always wanted to do nothing but argue with me.

He always picked on me every chance he got.I at one point tried to leave Veganhill and go strategize Somewhere else because of his toxic words that hurt and stung everytime he said them to my face.But the king and queen couldn't let me leave.With time, I got used to him and knew exactly how to handle him.If he wanted us to beef forever then he should be my guest.

I was now at the vampire's training grounds trying out my new super speed gift when Phil came and stood in from of me.

“What the hell”I said with a questioning look on my face.

“Look who is trying out her knew gifts”He said

“Get out of my way”I told him

“Now do you realize that we are better than you dogs? You can't even stop practicing”He said smirking.He started calling me a dog the moment he saw me, because of the fact that I come from the were wolf world.I refused to let him get to me so I decided to call him blood sucker too though I made sure not to say it when George or his wife were not around since they were vamps too and they were the ones who saved me.

“The reason why I'm practicing is because I don't want anything to go wrong when I decide to attack my pack not because I am enjoying it, bloodsucker” I slowly walked closer to him, whispered in his ear and went back to my business.

I moved from the middle of the training grounds where I left the annoying bloodsucker to the end of the training grounds in one second.I was first that was for sure but whenever I reached the stopping point, I could not land properly.I could either fall, throw up or not be able to breathe for the next one whole minute.

“Not good enough”Phil said walking towards me.

“I know that is why I am practicing but it is none of your business go find something else to do other than pestering me”I replied

“It turns out that I don't have much to do, my brother has it all in control so all I am left to do is stand here and watch the proud dog fail”He replied with a wink.

What he said made me fume, I super sped to where here was, stood behind him and turned his head to the side making sure not to kill him otherwise George would kill me and regret saving me.

“What the hell”Phil yelled trying to fix his head as he touched his neck.

“I am not a loser and I believe you are a witness.If you still don't believe me, I can prove it to you over and over again”I said smirking.I guess anger fuels me because when I super sped to where he was, I didn't fall, my breathing was okay and I didn't feel like throwing up.

“You just caught me off guard you cheater but that doesn't mean that you are far from being a loser“He replied still trying to fix his neck.

“I can do it again if you are ready your highness”I said sarcasm filled in my tone.

Phil wanting to prove me wrong and put me down, he accepted.

“Bring it on little puppy”He said grinning.

I moved backwards and when I reached a fair distance, this time I aimed for his groin, he had way too much pride that needed to be handled and I had no problem handing him his ass.

Since he was expecting me to land behind him and try to turn his neck, he didn't guard the rest of his body, he just felt the impact on his junk that had been caused by my knee making him fall on the ground and cup his groin as he groaned.

“Damn it Antonia, I am going to kill you”He said sweating on the ground as his face tightened and loosened over and over at the pain.I kind of felt bad for him but I wasn't going to show him that.

“Ohh, so you know what my real name is, I am so touched”I said holding my chest where my heart was supposed to be.

I couldn't help it, so I pulled out my phone and took pictures of him lying on the ground and then a selfie of him and I.I was crouching down next to him as he was still lying on the ground.

“These would give me some laughter before I go to bed. Ohh wait, I can send them to your darling women.What do you think”I said and he tried to snatch my phone away from so I quickly stood up.

“I am going to kill you”He warned through his pain.

“I'm afraid you can't do that when you are still on the floor and I don't think you would like other vamps to find you lying lifeless on the ground”I replied offering my hand for him to take as support.He looked at me annoyed by the finally grabbed it and I pulled him from the ground.

“Are you okay?”I sweetly asked looking down at his junk trying to look concerned though I failed to hide my evil smile.

“Fuck you Antonia”He cursed

“Ohh, I wouldn't mind if we decided to take that route but are you sure there is a chance of us being parents, I'm pretty sure I just ruined that chance”I replied

“I would never bury myself in someone like you, you are not attractive at least not to me”He said looking like he would bite his teeth.

“Are you sure?”I asked gently touching his chest.

“Get your filthy hands off me ”He said pushing me away.

“Ohh, I'm hurt.Phil doesn't want me”I cried drying my fake tears.The look on Phil's face today was priceless, ever since we met, he has been getting to me and I was always the one who ended up getting angry but now the tables had turned and he had got the taste of his own medicine.

“I hate you more than anything you filthy dog.I don't want to run into you ever again”he said

“Me more bloodsucker.See you never”I said and went to my bedroom to freshen up.


“We have a situation in the southern province and I am pretty occupied here. I want you Phil along with Antonia to address the situation”George said

“What?”Phil and I asked in unison.After our earlier encounter with Phil, we thought we were not going to have to see each other for sometime but here we were standing in front of George and his wife in his office who had asked for the both us.

“You have heard me.I'm not repeating myself”George said looking at us.

“You don't expect me to go there with this dog brother, I would rather do it on my own”Phil whined making me roll my eyes at him and his stupid statement.

“What is the situation?”I asked ignoring Phil's arguments.

“Pete has a flash containing all Draco's illegal businesses and killings.But he is being monitored closely by Draco and his men so he can't bring it to me and I can't go there myself, Draco will obviously know and I don't want to put Pete's life in danger”George said

“I have no clue about everything you have just said”I said

“Ohh, right.Veganhill Kingdom is big, when I realized that it was a lot to handle alone, I decided to divide it into four provinces the central province which is this one being run by me, the Western, Eastern and southern provinces.In the rest of those three provinces, I chose provincial commissioners to help me run those but they are all answerable to me.They were doing so well until a year ago that I started hearing rumours about the southern province commissioner torturing, killing, forcing young vampires sex, bribes and other acts against the rules I set.So I recruited Pete to be with him and earn his trust which he did perfectly.I want you guys to go get the flash without Draco getting suspicious, once I have evidence that incriminates him, I will then give him his punishment”He explained.

“I still don't want to go with her.I can do that by myself”Phil said giving me death glares.

“What's the plan?”I asked George.

“Draco's birthday party is taking place tonight, I want you to go with Phil.Like a friend or girlfriend I don't care which you decide to go with.That way Draco won't be so suspicious, then find a way to get the flash from Pete without Draco and his guards finding out”George said.

“Are you even listening to me brother, I told you I don't want to go with her later on introducing her as my girlfriend.I have my girls I can choose from other than her”Phil told his brothers.

“Who said I am okay with you introducing me as your girlfriend.I would rather date a fucking alien than ending up with you”I told him

“I don't care if you love or hate each other, just work together for this once and help save the innocent lives he is torturing, and the reason why I chose Antonia to go with you is because your girlfriends have chicken brains and they are like contagious diseases when they are with you because you start acting like a complete fool too and I don't want you and your women to ruin my plan so bare with it”George raised his voice at his brother.

“Fine then, lets go”Phil said looking at me.

“What do you mean let's go, you need to dress up for the birthday part”Gretchen said.

“We don't have time to go shopping now, do we?”I asked.

“That's what I'm here for.Take this and you take this”She said giving Phil a charcoal grey suit and me an emerald green dress.

I looked at it and then back at Gretchen amazed, how did she know my size.

“Don't ask that question because I'm not answering it.Just go dress up quickly”She said pushing me out of the room.

I looked at myself in the mirror after putting on Gretchen's dress and admired the creature I was looking at.I looked so damn hot.The dress was a deep v, see through with flowers covering my tits, my lady parts and long sleeves.I put on the matching shoes that she gave a servant to bring to my room.I tied my hair into a neat bun, applied some lip shiner, grabbed my purse and I was all good to go.

“I'm ready”I said getting down the stairs.George and Gretchen were in the living room.

“God, I knew this dress would look good on you.You look breathtaking”Gretchen said.

“Thanks Gretch, don't tell me I dressed faster that than your brother”I said to them.

“He is about to blow a gasket because you are not coming out.He is seating in the car”George replied

“I'm not in the mood of arguing with him so I'm out”I said giving both of them pecks.

“Antonia, I trusted you with this because I know that you can do it and so much more.Please do not disappoint me”George told me.

“Don't worry your highness, I will not disappoint you”I assured him.

I then walked out only to find Phil leaning against the car as he scrolled through his phone, when he sensed me, he started yelling.

“What took you so lo-”He stopped mid sentence as soon as he raised his head to look at me.

Why had he stopped, I guess he realized that it wasn't a good idea to fight with me all the time and I appreciated it because I wasn't in the arguing mood.

“Let's go”He said and went to seat in the driver's seat.I sat in the co-driver's seat and we set off for the journey.