(Last time Ben traps Goku in an energy vortex. )

Goku inside the vortex thinks," This fight is more thrilling than I expected it to be, but I have to finish this now." Goku charges up and transforms into Ultra Instinct. The collision between the energy of Ultra Instinct and the energy vortex causes a huge wave within the whole universe. Bellicus and Serena warn Ben about how he has to take this fight somewhere else otherwise whole universe will be in danger. Ben without losing any moment to spare jumps at Goku, but to his surprise Goku dodges that and counterattacks Ben. Ben getting concerned about the universe tries time bind on Goku again but Goku replies, "You know this will not work on me ." Ben then teleports both Goku and himself outside the universe into the forge of creation and replies, "That one is not to bind you. " Goku realizes Ben took him outside the universe and appreciates Ben for that in his mind.

On the other side, Professor Paradox reaches azmuth to understand this situation. Azmuth replies," Why don't you use your time-related power to figure out what happened? "The professor explains how the time and space of the area form where this shockwave is generated is completely disrupted hence he can't go there. Azmuth suggests going to Anodites because they're the best in matters of energy and both of them proceed to meet Verdona.

(In the forge of creation )

Both Goku and Ben were fighting without holding back while Ben was having a hard time touching Goku. Goku was also having a hard time cause of resisting the constant reality wrapping around Ben which is depleting his energy, and Ben also getting mentally exhausted. Suddenly goku was able to successfully land a hit on Ben and gain some distance and then keep up the barrage of punches and kicks while Ben was also able to dodge almost all of them and counterattacking and vice versa goku was also able to dodge a lot of them. Suddenly cracks started to appear on the alien x rigid body.

Both contestants are on their limit and Goku comments," Let's wrap up this battle. " Alien X replies, "We are thinking the same. "

Goku transforms one more time into true ultra instinct so he can use his emotion in this last collision and start charging Kamehameha, ben in response creates his energy beam and both beam collides creating a last shockwave of massive energy this time to attract the attention of several celestial sapient along with Starbeard.

When the collision ended goku rushed towards Ben with the remaining force of his body in a single punch instantly Ben also in response matched the punch with another punch, and both contestants were knocked back several feet while Goku lost consciousness along with his right-hand upper skin got scrapped up even after covering the whole hand with ki. Ben's right hand got shattered cause of previous cracking on his body looking at the unconscious body of the stranger he is fighting replies, " That's one hell of a fight I had ever in my life".

Suddenly a portal opens up and Professor Paradox, azmuth, and Verdona appears from different side starbeard appears all shocked at the current scene in front of them with an awkward silence suddenly Omnitrix beeps again and finds a new alien DNA sample azmuth close that scan, and replies," Right now we have to first check on this stranger carefully before taking in his DNA." Ben heals his body and all of them teleport at azmuth lab and they locks up goku for further information and check ups. Ben asks," How do you guys know where we are fighting?" Verdona replies, "Dear grandson the amount of energy you guys are releasing can be sensed from any point in the universe ." Starbeard agrees with what Anodite says and leaves the zone telling them to inform him when the stranger wakes up.

NEXT CHAPTER:- Now what will gonna happen to Goku?