(This scene takes place 2 hours after the fight on Galvan Prime.)

Goku slowly opens his eyes and finds himself handcuffed and locked in a cage. He looks in front of him and sees Azmuth, Ben, Verdona, and Professor Paradox. Azmuth asks, "Where are you from, Son Goku? I tried to match your DNA in my whole database and also tried to match it with prehistoric and extinct ones, but I couldn't find anyone matching yours." Goku replies, "I am a Saiyan from my world, Earth. What are these around my hands? I am having trouble using my ki properly." 

Azmuth explains how these cuffs are specially made to keep Anodites in check. Goku then notices that his right hand is not fully restored yet. Suddenly, a rectangular hologram appears in front of Goku, and a Senzu bean appears, which Goku eats. Goku is fully restored, and the cuffs on his hands are also destroyed. Everyone is shocked and ready to fight Goku, but he suddenly teleports and stops Ben from transforming saying, "Don't worry, I am not going to fight anymore. Now, trust me." Starbeard appears, and Ben explains to him what happened.

Goku starts explaining his story about how, when he was training with Whis, he suddenly wished to go home to check if everything was okay. During his return, someone with a mask appeared and challenged him to a fight, taking him somewhere separate. He explains how he loses that fight, even after going all out. That guy reveals himself as a variant of Goku and points out how Goku, after gaining new heights, stopped giving importance to old teachings - not forgetting them, but stops thinking about them. He started measuring threats according to the ki amount only. Then he gave him two choices: first, either go on a journey to train and learn new stuff or this whole timeline, including Zeno, would be erased, after the threat he created 2 Super Shenron as a demo of his power. 

Starbeard interferes and asks, "Who are Zeno and Super Shenron?" Goku replies, "Zeno is a multiversal king of my world, and Super Shenron is someone who can grant any wish without limit, and that guy created two of them in an instant." Goku further narrates how that variant of his also states how he will go for every version of Goku with the same deal. Without wasting time, Goku accepted the deal to save his world, and that variant taught him the rules of this journey. 

First, he will be teleported to a different verse and have to grow or fight there. When he is done, a box will show him the time limit after which he will be teleported to the next one until he is capable enough to destroy or able to control the energy inside that box. Second, he has to find out who he has to fight or what he has to learn. It can be only one thing or one opponent he has to fight, or it can be multiple things or opponents he has to fight. Third, he will get a Senzu bean after every fight, which will fully restore him and free him from any condition he's stuck in after the fight. Fourth, this box can't be stolen and can be hidden and summoned by his thoughts. Senzu beans can be used only by him and no one else. Fifth, for the first time, he will be given who he has to fight. 

After explaining all of this, that variant version of his vanished, and that box started giving him information about Ben and his transformation, along with a timer of 5 hours. Goku starts meditating and revising all of his master's teachings once again. 

Starbeard asks, "How will we know you're telling the truth? You have to let me check your mind." Celestial sapient checks Goku's whole life. The Celestial flinches a bit, and says, "He is telling the truth, and he possesses no harm." Suddenly, Goku's stomach growls. Azmuth tells Ben to take Goku for food, and Goku, before going for food, shows everyone the box. A timer starts for 2 months on the box, which means Goku has that much time before going to the next verse. 

Next: What will Goku do for the next two months?