John Constantine brings everyone into the home of Jason Blood where many people are already present. Batman introduces Goku to all of them. Harley enters the house with Zatanna and asks," Who are these two guys?"

Zatanna answers," That's Jhon Constantine beware he is dangerous and I don't know who this mask guy is. Can anyone tell me about our new friend here?" Jhon tells Zatanna and Harley about Goku and starts to give the speech on why all the magicians gather to stop Superman's tyranny and how something is protecting Superman from magic.

Suddenly one of the members present starts to leave the group and Detective Chimp goes to persuade him and succeeds. Suddenly the whole group feels something is coming and Jason rushes yelling, "Close the door Seal is broken cause of the door ." But it's not closing and Jason starts chanting but a huge explosion happens.

When the explosion is removed Goku is standing in front of Jason and Detective Harvey to protect them from the explosion with an energy barrier and Zatanna casts a spell to protect everyone inside the house but Detective Chimp gets injured due to a rock that flew cause of a huge explosion.

Harley checks on Chimp and says, " He's alive, but his breathing is shallowing." Then Klarion notifies everyone that the one standing outside is the Spirit of vengeance The SPECTRE himself.

Constantine asks Zatanna to teleport them away but she replies," I can't do that Spectre is too strong if she stops her magic SPECTRE will crush them. " Batman then suddenly starts giving commands to bat women and Catwoman but Constantine interferes and yells at Batman, " The one outside is great spirit of vengeance you think he will be fooled by the great strategy of hiding inside another room ." Constantine keeps arguing with Batman and in the end, when he calls Batman useless, Batman knocks down Constantine and proceeds to face SPECTRE on his own.

Goku also goes with Batman.

Spectre looks at Batman and Batman proceeds to talk with Spectre," I want to talk to one man of Vengeance to another. You're supposed to be the one who punishes evil but you just tried to kill an innocent man his name is Harvey Bullock. " SPECTRE replies," Do not try to lecture me little bat that guy stood beside a devil and you came out here with this guy who protected that devil ." Goku comments, "I just came here to listen to what you guys are gonna talk. " On the other side, Constantine wakes up and asks what happening out there to Klarion to which Klarion replies, " Batman is Just talking to SPECTRE and that new guy is with him. " Constantine commends those two for their courage and asks Zatanna to get them out of there and Catwoman asks what about those two Zatanna answers," I will get them ."

Spectre after Zatanna's magic yells at Batman, " You deciever ." And tries to grab Batman but Goku interferes and creates a shield around them. Spectre continues crushing the shield and asks, " How have you done this? Where have the magic users gone? How do you hide them from me? " Suddenly Goku felt Zatanna's presence and dropped his shield and Zatanna teleported both of them into the Tower of Fate. Leaving SPECTRE with an empty house.

After going into the Tower of Fate Goku wanders around and stumbles upon a child and asks her name she replies, "My name is Rose O heard the monkey is hurt will you accompany me to visit him ." Goku replies," My name is Goku, and sure I will accompany you." After reaching the destination Rose enters the room and asks, "Will the monkey be okay? "Doctor Fate appears and asks Rose Constantine," You're not supposed to be in this part. Come we will return you to --"

Harley interrupted Doctor Fate and said," I need your help here doctor ." Doctor Fate answered, "I am not that kind of doctor I am a different kind of a complicated type and even my abilities are of no use he has gone too far ." Harley then looks at Rose and tells her," Don't worry random little girl I never lost a monkey before and I am not about to start today. And you just can't put on a cape and helmet and call yourself a doctor some of us goes into medical school to earn that title and take the girl and the guy out of the operating room now mister fate. "

Goku looks at Detective Chimp and says," Can I try I think I can help here ." Harley looks at Goku and replies," Did you attend a Medical College or have some special herbs from the mountains that can revive people? " Goku didn't answer and went toward Detective Chimp put his hands on his chest started channeling his ki inside Detective Chimp and then removed his hand after a minute. Harley checks and finds the patient completely out of danger and asks what Goku did. " Fate replies," He transferred his life force into detective chimp. " Harley asks, "What's that some kind of magic why you didn't perform that ." Fate answers," We magic users draw energy from our surroundings and cosmos to perform magic, and life force is different from that it's an animating force inside all living beings. Once used it can't be recovered naturally." Goku comments, "But I can recover it naturally. " Harley Quinn comments, " You're seriously a very useful guy why did you waste a lot of time inside a mountain." Goku comments," Umm I was learning all this. "

Then Fate took Goku and Rose with himself. They stumble upon Jhon Constantine who tells Rose that she shouldn't be here to which she replies," I heard monkey is here and he was hurt so I come to look for him ." Jhon tells her daughter Monkey would be okay. Fate replies," He is okay cause of this new guest you guy's bring ."

" Yes, he is right I almost felt he's almost dead but suddenly something pulled him out of death's clutch," Klarion comments while patting his cat. Then Fate tells everyone Goku manipulated his life force and saved the detective. After that Rose shows Jhon Constantine a magic trick and then goes to her room for which Doctor Fate comments she possesses magic capabilities Jhon is enraged on Fate tells him to keep it away from her and Goku interferes and separates both of them and says, " I think my helmet guy has a point and if she possesses power it's better to teach her how much she can do and how much potential she have ." Jhon tells Goku to stay out of this matter.

Batman enters and asks," Is there any problem here " to which Jhon answers with a no. After that Batman asks for their next move for which John informs them, "With SPECTRE on supermam side it's impossible." Batman asks," There must be a way ." Jhon answers we have to take a peek and tells Batman to come with him. Goku comments from behind," Can I come along" to which Jhon refuses and tells at this moment they have to lay low. Goku agrees and goes near Batman and heals his back completely. Batman gets shocked and asks, "How you did do it? You didn't say anything about having a healing-type skill ." To which Goku replies," I did it with ki manipulation ." Doctor Fate comments," I didn't know life force manipulation can heal broken bones ." After that Constantine and Batman leave the tower and Dictir Fate also goes somewhere else in the tower. Goku replies," And here we go all alone again. " Then Jason Blood comes and thanks Goku again for saving his life and offers a tour of the Tower of Fate which Goku agrees.