John Constantine and Batman visit Madam Xandu but she denies entry to John Constantine. John comments, "At least not for me but help us for the sake of Jason, he's helping us in this fight if we don't have any information even his life will be in danger. He just barely dodged his death in our last encounter. Madam Xanadu opens the door and lets them come in and closes the door afterward. Madam Xanadu sharply turns toward John Constantine and levitates him in the air and throws him away then moves towards him," This is the last time I am bothering to help you on only one condition Jason Blood will be out of all this drama. Do we have a deal Jhon?" John Constantine agrees to the deal with a magic pact and Madam Xanadu starts reading tarot cards. The moment when Madam Xandu takes a peek into the future she gets attacked by something unknown. Batman asks John, "What's happening?" Jhon rushes towards Madam and," Something has got her." Jhon helps Madam Xanadu and asks her about what she saw. She replies," The green will grow, hellfire will burn. A dead man will die and a deadmen will rise. Souls will lost with the traitor triumphant. The empress awakens and the emperor sleeps, the advisor is banished, and Joker returns ." Madam Xanadu warns John Constantine he can't win this and Batman starts to show concern about Joker's return. "It could mean anything, Batman. Make tea, tea fixes everything," John replies to Batman while helping Madam Xanadu.

After a while, Batman comes with tea for Madam and John asks Madam," Can you see the fate of one more person ." Madam Xanadu takes a sip from tea and replies," Our deal was one-time help I helped I have no more interest in helping you now. " Constantine pointed towards Batman," This one is for him, not me."

Madam Xanadu agreed annoyingly and uses her power to look at Goku and get's shocked.

John notices and asks," What did you see is it again some bad news?" Madam replies, "I saw nothing hus past, present, and future I can't peek into anything it's like his fate doesn't exist. " Batman, "How much of bad news is this?" Madam answers, " Fates are like the will or principle or the determining cause by which things or event's are meant to happen.

But in Goku's case it's like his fate doesn't exist it is equivalent to does he even exist cause my cards can even peek into the fate of deads and higher dimension beings. But I am seeing nothing for Goku to the point if you guys didn't mention his existence to me I would declare him as something like an imaginary friend or something that doesn't exist in this creation. But if someone like him does exist then his interference on anyone's fate will be undetected ." Batman asks," What kind of explanation is this?"

John replies," In short Madam wants to convey is If someone is stated as dead or someone who is supposed to die he will die no matter how much you try to change his fate, and if you try to do it forcefully the consequence can take a worse route. Changing one's fate is equivalent to changing the past of someone or interfering with time results will be catastrophic. But that doesn't apply to our new friend he can interfere with one's fate and change will be completely undetected. " Batman comments," If changes done by him will be undetected and he can change someone's destiny freely how it will be a problem isn't it more beneficial to us if we get to know who will gonna die he can interfere and save him," John replies," Can't do that pal if we defy fate of everyone and destroy the fate's planning and events it will create chaos. " Madam Xanadu starts using her power and tries to see the fate of Jason Blood. Both John and Madam are shocked cause according to tarot cards Jason Blood is supposed to be dead. Madam Xanadu replies,

" Send Jason to me the moment you guys go back to the tower."

After reaching the tower Batman meets Jason Blood and tells him everything. Jason answer," I understand why she is concerned about me and with these unknown circumstances. Still, I don't think Goku knows about all of this. The moments I spent around him he seemed a friendly and kind-hearted person. " Batman replies," The Superman I know in the past was friendly and someone who brought hope with him. " Jason replies,

" I understand still here's a gift from me if you use this small energy marble you can use Etrigan in battle for one time just say the chant after consuming this energy marble. I can at least help this much ." After that, Jason goes to meet Goku and thanks him for the last time, and goes to Madam Xanadu.

[Azmuth, "Did you get the ki you left into Jason's mind? "]

Goku answers in his mind," Yes I didn't think that we could know about their talk like this. "

[Azmuth replies," This is called creative thinking now check out what happened between them."]

Goku checks the ki which he retrieved from Jason and sees everything that happened between him and Batman. After watching it all," This could be problematic I didn't think that cause of my actions something like this could happen, I have to be careful from now on this sucks nothing happened in the previous verse." [Azmuth replies," Isn't it because of you two branches of the new timeline happening and putting everything at risk?]

Goku answers" Looks like I have to lay low before I find a solution for it, now at best, all I can do is keep up the exercise. "

[Azmuth comments," And also don't forget to use a laptop I need you to use a laptop so I can know about what things are different in this earth. " ]

Goku replies with a thumbs-up and starts training again.