The journey to the undisclosed destination was shrouded in mystery for Myra, who remained in the dark about their final stop. The lengthy flight tested her endurance, with intermittent dozing attempting to fend off the fatigue. Upon arrival, under the cover of night, the journey continued by car, the specifics veiled in secrecy.

Late at night, Myra was ushered to have lunch while the general engaged in discussions with others. Her curiosity heightened as the general's company seemed both significant and imposing. Eventually, she was guided to join the general, entering a room where a palpable air of gravity hung. The gaze of many fixated on her as a man, equally formidable as the general, inquired, "Is she the one?" The general's affirmation drew the attention to Myra.

Proceeding into a vast room, Myra encountered a sight that stirred a mix of trepidation and empathy. An unconscious girl lay on a hospital bed, connected to an array of machines that sustained her fragile existence. The general, providing a reassuring anchor, guided Myra closer. Encouraged, Myra reached for the girl's hand, feeling the weight of all eyes upon her.

"I'll pray for you," Myra whispered to the unconscious girl. Closing her eyes, she began uttering a prayer. In that sacred moment, a radiant light enveloped the room. As the light receded seconds later, the once unconscious girl now stirred with renewed vitality. The general, acknowledging Myra's contribution, led her out of the room to another where another patient awaited her healing touch.

Exiting the rooms, Myra couldn't help but hear the jubilant cries of families, a testament to the transformative impact she had just witnessed. The weight of her newfound abilities settled in, intertwined with the responsibility that lay ahead.


Lunch unfolded in an unusual hush, a departure from the typical lively discussions that characterized the group's gatherings. While Ashley found the silence peculiar, she embraced the unexpected relief when informed that she wouldn't be handling the dishwashing duties for the day. True to Myra's words, she was there before morning, rousing Ashley from her slumber for their morning shower.

Walking together to the bathroom, they encountered Andrea, who seemed to dismiss Ashley with a nonchalant greeting. "Good morning," Andrea acknowledged Myra, receiving a reciprocal greeting from both Myra and Ashley. In the individual privacy of the bathroom cubicles, Ashley was pleasantly surprised to find hot water flowing freely, a luxury she hadn't anticipated. Reveling in the warmth, she indulged in an extended shower, relishing the comforting cascade.

Back in the room, Ashley prepped for the day while Myra, surprisingly, changed into her nightwear. Perplexed, Ashley inquired, and Myra casually dropped the bomb: "The general gave me the day off." Ashley nodded in understanding. Myra returned to her bed for some much-needed rest, while Ashley headed out as the siren blared.

When Ashley made her way to the communal table, everyone was already gathered. Dylan, ever the observant one, immediately inquired about Myra's absence. Ashley casually explained that Myra had been granted a day off, citing her exhaustion from the recent trip. Although Dylan and Thomas wore expressions of disappointment, the group proceeded with their meal, engaging in light banter.

Following lunch, they embarked on their training routine. The atmosphere was charged with determination until an unexpected disruption occurred. A resounding boom reverberated through the facility, causing the entire building to tremble. The trainees exchanged puzzled glances, uncertainty spreading like wildfire.

In response to the disturbance, soldiers hurriedly made their way toward the girls' dormitory. Seizing the opportunity for a firsthand look, Ashley, along with other intrigued evolved individuals, trailed behind. As they reached Ashley and Myra's shared room, a surreal sight greeted them.

Myra was levitating mid-air, enveloped in a mesmerizing light shield. Despite the unusual circumstances, she seemed unharmed, her form curled protectively. The room, however, held another surprise – three oversized rats, their presence an enigma within the confines of the training facility. Ashley couldn't help but be startled by this unexpected development, wondering how these peculiar creatures had found their way into the room.

As they reached Ashley and Myra's room, an unexpected scene unfolded. Myra was suspended in the air, surrounded by a peculiar light shield, with her head buried in her knees. Surprisingly, she appeared unharmed, relieving Ashley. In the room, Ashley noticed three unusually large rats, sparking her astonishment. How these creatures ended up there remained a mystery.

Ashley, utilizing her telekinesis, lifted the rats into the air, searching for a humane way to confine them for later disposal. She was adamant about avoiding any form of animal cruelty. The general abruptly entered the room, swiftly assessing the situation.

To Ashley's surprise, he adopted a softer tone, saying, "Come down, we've caught them," directed at Myra. The general's usual stern demeanor seemed replaced by an uncharacteristic gentleness, leaving Ashley and the others taken aback.

Myra, visibly shaken and fearful, shook her head in refusal. Uncertain about the next course of action, Ashley observed an unexpected turn of events. A dark mass enveloped the levitated rats, swiftly ending their lives. The abruptness of this occurrence left Ashley momentarily stunned.

Meanwhile, Dylan soared into the air and approached Myra. With gentle persuasion, he convinced her to descend. After a brief hesitation, Myra released her protective shield and descended with Dylan. The general, displaying an unusual level of concern, rushed to Myra's side, inquiring about her well-being. This unexpected display of care heightened the air of mystery surrounding the situation. The general instructed the soldiers to escort Myra to his office, leaving Ashley and the others bewildered by the extraordinary events that had unfolded.