Ashley, seething with anger, witnessed the dispersal of those gathered in the aftermath of the unusual incident. As she navigated through the aftermath, she overheard a conversation.

"Serves her right. Who does she think she is?" a voice sneered. Turning towards the source, Ashley identified three girls, the next in line after her regarding telekinesis strength.

"That's what she gets for acting like a princess," one of the girls remarked, their laughter resonating through the corridor.

Ashley, determined to get to the bottom of the situation, approached them. "Was it you?" she demanded, her frustration evident.

The girls laughed off the accusation, dismissing Ashley's inquiry. Unfazed, Ashley employed her telekinesis to halt their departure. "I asked if you were the ones who released the rats in our room," she reiterated.

Keira, the apparent leader, stepped forward, showing no remorse. "There's no evidence that it was us. So—" she began, but her words were abruptly cut off as she felt her body forcefully slam against the wall. Stunned, Keira struggled to regain her composure, finding herself levitating under Ashley's powerful telekinetic control. 

The girls, caught in panic, attempted to retaliate with their telekinesis, but Ashley effortlessly fended off their feeble attempts with a single hand. Her anger simmered, torn between a desire for retribution and the necessity of extracting a confession.

The commotion drew the attention of soldiers, prompting their swift return to the scene. However, before they could intervene, Josh emerged, conjuring strong winds to keep them at bay.

Keira, still midair, hurled insults at Ashley, who responded by tightening her telekinetic grip. The soldiers, eager to restore order, attempted to approach, but Josh stood resolute, forming a barrier between them and Ashley.

The standoff escalated until the general, now back on the scene, demanded an explanation.

"They were the ones who did this," Ashley asserted.

The general's command cut through the tension, "Release them."

Ashley released her telekinetic hold. Keira fell to the ground, the soldiers promptly seizing the opportunity to apprehend her and her friends. The general departed with them, and the onlookers dispersed. Ashley, left with a sense of dissatisfaction, received a comforting gesture from Josh.

"You did good, Ashley," he reassured, offering a moment of solace in the aftermath of the tumultuous confrontation.


Myra, still feeling the shock of her encounter with the rodents, sought solace on the familiar stairs, a quiet retreat from the chaos that had unfolded. The incident had not only revealed her deep-seated fear of rodents but also unexpectedly showcased a latent ability – the creation of a protective shield. 

The serenity of her thoughts was interrupted when Dylan, accompanied by an unfamiliar girl, entered their secret spot on the stairs. The surprise in his eyes mirrored her own, but he did not explain the unexpected company. Uncomfortable with the situation, Myra excused herself, choosing to leave them to their undisclosed conversation.

Seeking the comfort of her friends, Myra joined Ashley, Josh, Thomas, and even Kyle at the table. Their concern for her well-being was evident, each inquiring about the incident and expressing relief upon hearing that she was physically unharmed. The conversation shifted to the motives behind the prank. It was revealed to be a toxic blend of jealousy and resentment towards the preferential treatment of Myra harbored by the girls responsible.

Myra's heart warmed at the genuine concern her friends showed, their collective disapproval of the unfair treatment she had received. Ashley, ever protective, expressed hope for severe consequences for the culprits. Myra, however, harbored doubts about whether the general would administer a fitting punishment.

"Thanks, but I don't think they'll get punished," she admitted, her gratitude mingled with a sense of resignation.

Myra casually brought up the upcoming joint training. "Are you ready for the joint training tomorrow?" she inquired, catching Ashley off guard.

"It's tomorrow?" Ashley responded in surprise.

 Myra, amused by Ashley's reaction, inquired, "Do you guys know anything that takes place in the base at all?" A playful elbow from Ashley signaled a swift change in the conversation.

During lunch, Dylan's absence didn't go unnoticed. Seizing the opportunity, Myra engaged Thomas in a conversation. As the next day dawned, the base crackled with rumors and news.

First and foremost, the punishments meted out by the general to the girls who released the rats were the talk of the base. The punishment, a poetic turn of events, dictated that they would shoulder Ashley and Myra's chores for a week. A satisfied smirk played on Ashley's lips, reveling in the justice served.

More surprises unfolded as Keira and her friends, the perpetrators of the rodent prank, were discovered with visible wounds and bruises. When questioned about the source of their injuries, the girls maintained a resolute silence, leaving the base in suspense.

However, the most unforeseen development occurred when Myra, known for her compassionate nature, declined to treat the wounds of the girls. The base, accustomed to her unwavering dedication to providing medical assistance, struggled to comprehend this shift. Ashley and the others, however, were quick to understand – Myra, unbeknownst to many, harbored a deep-seated fear of rodents, and she took the prank personally.


The joint training session unfolded at the new center, and Myra, eager but unprepared for the physical demands, soon found herself struggling during the ten laps around the training ground. Halfway into the fifth lap, she dramatically collapsed, pretending to be on the brink of exhaustion. Ashley, unwilling to let Myra give in to the theatrics, pulled on her arm in an attempt to motivate her to continue.

"Continue without me," Myra melodramatically pleaded, but Ashley, aware of Myra's telekinetic abilities, decided to levitate her back to her feet.

"Come on, we're almost there," Ashley encouraged, dragging Myra through the remaining laps.

Myra, still playing the part, insisted on her imminent demise. "That's the worst lie I've heard," she remarked, refusing to budge.

As Ashley levitated Myra a centimeter above the ground and continued the laps, Myra couldn't resist pointing out her recently discovered ability to fly. Ashley, undeterred, threatened to drop her if she didn't cooperate, and the soldiers overseeing the training chose to overlook their unconventional method, allowing them to complete the laps.

The next challenge was push-ups, and much to Ashley's surprise, Myra managed to muster the strength to finish.

Collapsing on the ground, panting heavily, she elicited Ashley's bewildered question, "How are you out of shape but still in shape?" Observing Myra's slim physique, Ashley couldn't help but marvel at her friend's peculiar combination of apparent fitness and dramatic exhaustion.

Myra, catching her breath, humorously added, "I feel like vomiting."