Dylan was genuinely displeased with the way things were unfolding. Myra seemed to be purposefully ignoring him, and the unease between them lingered. Was it because he had called her a parasite? The thought gnawed at him; he hadn't intended to use such a harsh term. Perhaps an apology was in order.

Unable to contain his restlessness, Dylan found himself pacing around the room. Josh, observing Dylan's agitated state, couldn't help but intervene. "Could you please stop pacing?" he said, cutting through Dylan's tumultuous thoughts.

Startled, Dylan turned to Josh, realizing that his actions had betrayed the inner turmoil he was experiencing. Gathering his thoughts, he decided to confide in Josh, seeking advice from someone who had a unique connection with a female.

"You dated Ashes for a while, right? I need advice," Dylan admitted, hoping Josh could provide some insights.

Josh, however, frowned at the unexpected request. "On what?" he inquired, not entirely convinced that he was the right person to offer relationship advice.

"Girls," Dylan replied, his uncertainty palpable.

"Didn't you date millions of girls?" Josh asked.

Dylan's expression remained stoic. "Yes, but you had that shared feelings thing with her," Dylan pointed out, referring to the deep emotional bond Josh shared with Ashley.

Josh stared at Dylan, a complex interplay of emotions flickering in his eyes. After a moment, he averted his gaze, maintaining his enigmatic composure. "It's not what you think. I can't help you," Josh stated, dismissing the conversation.

Undeterred, Dylan pressed on. "Hear me out first," he urged, hoping to break through Josh's resistance.

Annoyed by Dylan's persistence, Josh confronted him directly. "Do you like her?" he asked bluntly, cutting to the heart of the matter.

Taken aback, Dylan stammered, "What?"

"Myra. Do you like her?" Josh repeated, his piercing gaze fixed on Dylan.

The response came hesitantly. "No," Dylan asserted, but as Josh probed further, questioning the root of the issue, Dylan found himself unable to refute Josh's penetrating observations.


In the girls' room, Myra and Ashley found themselves engaged in a conversation about guys. Myra expressed a sense of guilt for ignoring Dylan after he had helped her. Ashley, ever straightforward, offered her perspective.

"You shouldn't feel bad about it," Ashley advised Myra, her tone carrying a certain worldly wisdom.

Myra, curious, explained, "It's kinda awkward. He helped me, and I'm just ignoring him in return."

Ashley, with a sly smile, decided to share a story to provide Myra with a different perspective. "You're really innocent. Listen up," she began, capturing Myra's undivided attention.

She went on to recount a tale of another girl who had once caught Dylan's eye. "There was this girl who wasn't interested in Dylan or his money, and you know what Dylan did when he found out?" Ashley posed the question.

Intrigued, Myra motioned for Ashley to continue, eager to hear the rest of the story.

"He started pursuing her romantically," Ashley continued, "he even made this speech about how much he loved her and needed her in his life."

Myra, sensing a twist in the narrative, asked the inevitable question, "He hurt her afterward, didn't he?"

Ashley nodded solemnly. "He dumped her a week after they started dating, and no matter how much she begged, he just left her and went on to the next girl."

The revelation left Myra with mixed feelings. She had initially thought Dylan was a decent guy, but learning about his past actions made her reassess her opinion. The cautionary tale seemed to resonate with Myra, prompting her to consider keeping her distance from Dylan.

The next morning, Myra found herself at the table, and to her discomfort, Dylan joined shortly after. Despite her unease, she maintained a composed expression as they waited for Ashley and the others.

"So, anime, Thomas tells me your favorite is Fairy Tail," Dylan initiated a conversation, attempting to break the awkward silence. Myra's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What of it?" she responded, her guard up.

"Relax, I just wanted to know who your favorite character was," Dylan inquired casually.

Without hesitation, Myra replied, "Lucy."

Dylan nodded in understanding, trying to engage in a friendly exchange. "Good choice. She's very smart and strong too," he complimented.

Myra, caught up in the conversation, nodded rapidly, momentarily forgetting her decision to avoid Dylan. Curious, she turned the tables. "What about you? Wait, let me guess... Rogue?" Myra guessed.

Dylan, not entirely sure who Rogue was, went along with it. "Yes, how'd you know?" he played along.

"You guys have the same abilities," Myra explained. Dylan made a mental note to ask Thomas about this character later. Myra, enthusiastic about her analysis, continued, "Plus, his cat, Frosch, is soo cute."

Dylan smiled, sensing a momentary lapse in Myra's determination to keep her distance. Unbeknownst to them, Ashley entered the scene, observing Myra's apparent forgetfulness regarding her decision to avoid Dylan.