Myra prided herself on being exceptionally observant, a quality she had cultivated since childhood. Gifted with a keen intellect, she effortlessly grasped concepts without exerting much effort in her studies. Raised in a household where love unified them, despite not being affluent, Myra's family provided her with everything she needed.

As the fourth child, surrounded by three older brothers, Myra grew up engaging in activities traditionally associated with boys. She played football, video games, and embraced action movies, relishing her tomboy persona. However, this changed when she discovered Barbie dolls, prompting a realization that her interests diverged from her brothers'.

Her father's work took him away from home, yet he diligently sent financial support to cover the family's expenses. Myra's mother, a dedicated homemaker, prioritized her children's education. With a particular focus on Myra, she ensured her daughter consistently ranked first in her grade. This nurturing environment contributed to Myra's intelligence and her ability to discern details in various situations.

As Myra progressed through adolescence, her frailty became apparent, frequently falling ill and receiving an asthma diagnosis. Coupled with numerous allergies, she faced rejection from other children who hesitated to associate with her. Amidst this, her physical appearance hadn't yet blossomed, characterized by a slender frame, leaving her with few redeeming qualities beyond her intelligence.

In a quest for companionship, Myra adopted a people-pleasing demeanor, accommodating the needs of others to forge friendships. While successful in amassing a circle of friends, she soon discovered a dissonance within herself. Despite her efforts to be sociable, she found the act of socializing burdensome. This realization led her to develop a tendency to 'burn bridges after crossing them.'

Becoming adept at discarding relationships that no longer served her interests, Myra navigated social dynamics with a pragmatic approach. Although she became a people person and effortlessly formed connections, her ability to sever ties once they outlived their utility became a defining aspect of her interpersonal interactions.

As Myra entered Junior High School (JHS), her latent beauty began to manifest. However, her focus remained on her academic pursuits, driven by her mother's escalating pressure to excel in her studies. With the impending Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), Myra's mother intensified her expectations, urging her to achieve the highest grades possible.

Perplexed by this sudden emphasis, Myra couldn't comprehend why her mother seemed more invested in her academic success than she had been with her brothers during their exams. The revelation came just a week before the BECE results were released, unraveling a family secret involving a girl named Mary Asare.

"Myra, she's daddy's other daughter," disclosed her eldest brother. Bewildered, Myra struggled to grasp the situation. To her knowledge, she only had one sister, Rachel, the youngest among her siblings, and her twin brother, Joshua.

Clarification arrived when her mother revealed the truth, laden with resentment. "I was going to name you Mary, but she was born first, so her mother gave her that name." Myra's father had been unfaithful, and Mary was the daughter born out of that indiscretion.

In that poignant moment, Myra realized the true reason behind her mother's relentless focus on her academic performance – a silent comparison to Mary, the daughter of the other woman, whose existence had been kept as a hidden facet of their family history.

The aftermath of the BECE results was a bitter pill for Myra to swallow. Mary, her father's acknowledged daughter from another woman, outperformed her, and her father took pride in boasting about Mary's achievements. 

In these trying times, it was Myra's mother and siblings who provided the solace she needed. Yet, the bitter taste of comparison lingered, and a seed of resentment took root in Myra's heart against Mary.


Myra secured admission to the Senior High School (SHS) of her choice, a boarding school. During the move-in process, a fellow student offered assistance with her luggage. Grateful for the help, Myra introduced herself, unknowingly sharing her last name. To her surprise, the girl revealed herself as Mary Asare, the same Mary who had unknowingly become the subject of Myra's resentment.

Conflicted and unsure of how to react, Myra found herself unable to see Mary in a positive light. 

Myra made a conscious decision to keep her distance from Mary, recognizing that Mary appeared to be a nice girl. While she had no intention of causing harm, the complexities of their shared family history made it challenging for Myra to befriend Mary. Myra forged friendships with other students, finding solace and support in her new social circle.

However, the tranquility of her life shattered when a peculiar question was posed to her: "Myra, your sister's pocket money is done, won't you share yours with her?" Perplexed, Myra clarified that she only had one sister, Rachel. Somehow, the information about Mary being Myra's half-sister and the illegitimate child of a married man spread throughout the school.

Facing numerous inquiries, Myra chose to remain silent. The situation escalated when her friends approached her, urging her to befriend Mary to quell the rumors.

The dim glow of the boarding school dorm room cast a somber atmosphere as Myra found herself entangled in a conversation that felt more like an imposition than a genuine exchange of ideas.

"Can't you just be friends with Mary so others will stop talking about it?" one of her friends implored, the concern evident in her voice.

Myra, seated on her bed with a book in hand, looked up, her eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and defiance. "I don't want to be friends with her," she responded, the words carrying the weight of her determination.

"Don't be so selfish; Mary's high school life is on the line," they retorted, their tone edged with frustration.

 In her eyes, she wasn't obligated to love everyone, especially when it came at the cost of her own comfort and choices.

The room seemed to tighten with every uttered word, the expectations of conformity pressing down on Myra's shoulders. She refused to bow to the societal pressure that demanded she alter her friendships for the sake of appearances. The anger within her intensified, fueled by the belief that her choices were her own, not subject to the judgments of others.


The whispers of Myra's alleged selfishness reverberated through the corridors of the boarding school, weaving a narrative that painted her as an outsider to the camaraderie she once navigated. Unfazed by the rumors, Myra remained steadfast in her choice to distance herself from those who sought to dictate her friendships.

Upon completing her WASSCE, a shift in the dynamics at home awaited her. Myra's academic prowess had outshone Mary's this time, and her mother, reveling in the triumph, boasted proudly. However, the celebration at home was short-lived as it triggered intense conflicts between her parents. The specter of divorce loomed over the once-unified family, casting a shadow that strained the bonds that held them together.

Amid familial turmoil, Myra found herself unwittingly at the center of a parental dispute. Her father, contemplating the possibility of a divorce, approached her with a question that carried the weight of life-altering consequences. If they were to part ways, would she choose to live with him? Myra, fueled by a mix of defiance and loyalty to her mother, responded with an unexpected declaration: "If you take me from my mother, I'll end myself."

The threat, laced with the desperation of a daughter determined to maintain the semblance of stability in her life, resonated within the walls of their home. In the end, the talks of divorce gradually subsided, the children's unwillingness to part from their mother proving to be the unspoken force that quelled the impending dissolution of their family.