The atmosphere at the breakfast table was charged with an undercurrent of tension. Ashley, grappling with a sense of unease, observed as Myra engaged in a lively conversation with Dylan, seemingly oblivious to the discomfort it stirred in her surroundings. Thomas, though harboring his own uneasiness, maintained a composed exterior, concealing the inner turmoil beneath clenched fists.

When Ashley finally seized an opportunity to address Myra, she wasted no time expressing her concerns. "What are you doing? Didn't you say you would stay away from Dylan?" Ashley questioned, her words carrying a note of urgency.

"We were mistaken. Dylan is a nice guy," Myra replied, a conviction in her voice that seemed to clash with Ashley's apprehension.

Remembering the dubious history of Dylan's interactions with other girls, Ashley pressed on, "Remember what he did to all those girls?"

Myra nodded, acknowledging the past, but she offered a perspective of moving forward. "But it's in the past. We should move forward," she insisted.

Ashley, bewildered by Myra's sudden change, questioned her, "What's wrong with you?"

Myra explained, "His favorite anime is my favorite anime."

Ashley shot her a skeptical look, prompting Myra to elaborate further, "You won't understand. Most people laugh at my favorite anime, so it feels nice to have someone who likes it too."

With a hint of exasperation, Ashley countered, "It's a cartoon."

"And that is exactly why I'm friends with Dylan," Myra declared.

Feeling a sense of abandonment, Ashley confronted her, "So that's it then, you're leaving me for Dylan?"

Myra, evidently perplexed by Ashley's reaction, clarified, "Ashley, we share the same room. I'm not going anywhere. I'll just continue to hang out with Dylan."


Ashley's attention during training remained fixated on Myra, who was engaged in a seemingly carefree interaction with Dylan. A growing unease settled within Ashley as she foresaw potential harm from Dylan, yet she felt compelled to prepare for the inevitable. In her frustration, Josh, a constant source of support, approached her, sensing her distress.

"What's wrong?" Josh inquired, his perceptive gaze fixed on Ashley.

Ashley managed a smile, appreciating Josh's concern. "Nothing," she replied, choosing not to burden him with her internal turmoil.

As Josh's eyes flickered between Dylan and Myra, Ashley noted the subtle complexities in his expression. It hinted at emotions unspoken, adding layers to the dynamics between the trio. Sensing an opportunity to redirect her focus, Josh suggested sparring, a proposition that ignited excitement within Ashley.

Josh, a master of his wind manipulation abilities, held Ashley's hand, leading her to a less crowded area. The touch sent a wave of warmth through Ashley, and for a fleeting moment, she wished it could linger. However, the connection was ephemeral as Josh released her hand, redirecting her attention to the impending spar.

"So, let's see what you can do," Josh proposed, his eyes glinting with a mix of challenge and anticipation. The stage was set for a demonstration of their abilities, a welcome distraction from the complex dynamics that unfolded within their shared space.

Ashley surveyed her surroundings, noticing small stones scattered across the ground—a convenient array of potential projectiles. She couldn't help but speculate whether Josh intentionally chose this area, perhaps giving her an advantage with her telekinetic abilities. Grateful for the opportunity, Ashley prepared to demonstrate her prowess.

With a focused mind, Ashley employed her telekinesis to lift Josh into the air. However, to her surprise, Josh calmly countered by manipulating his hand, resulting in Ashley finding herself inexplicably upside down. The unexpected turn of events left her momentarily bewildered.

As Josh gradually lowered her back to the ground, Ashley couldn't shake off a twinge of embarrassment. It seemed she had overestimated her abilities in this particular match. Undeterred, Ashley shook off her momentary setback and resumed her offensive, determined to prove her mettle against Josh's telekinetic finesse.

The training area crackled with anticipation as Ashley squared off against Josh in a telekinetic versus aerokinetic showdown. The air felt charged with energy, and both combatants were ready for the impending clash.

Ashley extended her hands, focusing her telekinetic abilities to lift nearby objects. The stones on the ground rose into the air, forming a swirling vortex of potential projectiles. Determination etched across her face, she hurled the stones towards Josh with precision. However, Josh effortlessly manipulated the air currents, redirecting the stones away from him as if they were mere leaves in a breeze.

As the stones missed their target, frustration crept into Ashley's expression. She intensified her efforts, attempting to create a telekinetic force field around herself for protection. Yet, Josh calmly utilized his aerokinetic powers, breezing through the invisible barrier with ease.

The air around Josh seemed to dance to his command, allowing him to effortlessly evade Ashley's telekinetic onslaught. His movements were fluid, almost choreographed, as he effortlessly sidestepped and swirled around the incoming attacks.

Ashley found herself growing increasingly fatigued as Josh maintained an air of tranquility, his manipulation of the atmosphere proving to be a dance that kept him just out of reach. Frustration fueled Ashley's determination, but her telekinetic efforts were met with Josh's unruffled finesse.

In a bold move, Ashley tried to create a localized vacuum, hoping to disrupt Josh's control over the air. Yet, Josh simply altered the airflow, rendering her attempts ineffective.

As the fight seemed to be slipping from Ashley's grasp, a surge of determination flashed in her eyes. Channeling all her energy, she focused on a single stone, propelling it towards Josh with unwavering intent. In a moment of miscalculation, Josh didn't anticipate the precision behind Ashley's final strike.

The stone struck Josh's head with a resounding thud, causing a sudden trickle of blood. Stunned, Josh staggered backward, surprised by the unexpected hit. The fight, which had seemed one-sided, had taken an unforeseen turn.

Seeing Josh bleeding, Ashley panicked. The rush from the fight was all gone. She rushed over to where she remembered Myra was, but only Dylan was there. "Where's Myra?" Ashley asked.

"The general called for her. Why is there a problem?" Dylan responded.

Josh grabbed Ashley's shoulder to calm her down. "Ashley, it's okay. It's just a small wound," Josh reassured.

Dylan, noticing Josh's wound, grimaced. "You should get that looked at," he suggested.

"When is Myra coming back?" Ashley asked anxiously.

"Do I look like the general? Just go to the infirmary and stop bugging Myra with every little thing," Dylan said before ignoring them.

Ashley, angered by Dylan's indifference, quickly took Josh to the infirmary. When she entered, she found the doctor fast asleep on the hospital bed and was someone she knew.

"Dr. Frank?" Ashley called out