chapter 2:Mr Bianchi.

"Mom, not now. Not now". Luciano was firm with his words. Alessandro just walked away to the dinning room and the two followed after a few minutes.

"Brother, you came back late". Alessandro spoilt brat appeared as she hugged him tight.

"Work Isabella, how is school, any problem you want me to take care of".

"Nope everyone likes me".

"Huh?, but my first day in uni nobody liked me, well except this weird guy here". Alessandro said pointing to Luciano.

"It's because you and brother Luciano are big scary guys, and I am a cute looking girl".

"Whatever, just make sure to stay away from boys, don't let them ruin your life".

"I'm fucking 19year old". Isabella giggled but stopped when she felt glares on her.

"Don't use that word again". Luciano declared and Alessandro agreed immediately.

"Ah, fine". Isabella sighed.

"Alessandro, we have something to talk about after dinner". Mateo said before walking upstairs, a man of few words. His wife bid the Albano family goodnight and follow him to their bedroom.

Soon Alessandro and Isabella also finished eating and they went to her room. Isabella pulled him and sat on the bed with her brother.

"You want something?".

"Hmm". Acting all timid and cute to win his heart.

"What is it?".

" Brother, there is this limited edition handbag by channel, only 3 are available in the whole world, can I get it?".

"Okay, just stay away from guys for now, I will give you everything you want if they are within my power, so make me proud... Come on you have lecturs tomorrow, go to sleep". He kissed her temple.

"I love you too brother ". Isabella said and he walked out with a smile.

"Dad, you said we have something to talk about ". Bursting into his parents room, he caught them kissing but his father didn't care about his presence, while his mother turn a red shade of tomato, quickly excusing herself to the toilet. He was happy instead to see his parents still united even as they keep growing old.

"We will have a meeting with the Russo tomorrow, handle the meeting well".

"Don't worry, trust your son, when have I ever disappointed you".

"You weren't at the office today?, why?".

"Underworld father ".

"Okay... You can go ".

The next day.

"Fuccck, I am getting late". Emilia hopping into her gray fitted skirt suit, tucking the shirt into it she quickly put on her heels and grabbed her blazer and quickly drove out.

"Alice, bring my files to the meeting room quickly, I must not get there before you". She said to the phone as she pressed the arrow pointing up on the elevator.

Getting to the meeting room, everyone was already sitted. "Good morning everyone, had a little car problem on the way here". Her face was as calm as a resting ocean.

"Let's begin". She sat at the head of the table ready to begin until.

"Leave us!!". A deep voice spoke out and everyone turn to too at their boss, she nodded her head.

"What is this about, Mr. Bianchi?".

"I'm busy at the moment, so why don't we postpone the meeting for this night, in a lounge, VIP room I will meet you there".

"I never said yes".

"If you want this to work you don't have a choice". With a smirk on his lips he winked at her and walked out of the office making her speechless.

"Fucking bastard". She cursed.


In a big and beautifully decorated lounge, Alessandro sat on the sofa, cigarette between his lips, as he used his index an middle finger to take it out of his mouth before puffing out smoke.

He looked at the woman who has sigh the 100th time since she got here and smiled, passing the cigarette her took out of his mouth to her "want some, topolina?". A smirk dancing on his lips.

Surprisingly, she took it from him, and made sure to puff a smoke into his face "if you don't have anything to do, fucking sign the documents and let me out of here". She glared at him, if looks could kill he'd be 6ft under by now.

"A wild mouth for a little mouse, are you sure you want to talk to me that way". He chuckled, his laugh sounding sexy, but Emilia scolded herself in her head, making her think straight.

"Mr. Bianchi, what is it you want from me?".

"Are you ready to listen now?, I thought you wanted to throw tantrums a little more, I can wait ".

"Fucking get to the point, Alessandro". Her eyes almost fall out the way she was glaring at the man who was calmly sipping on his wine.

"Fuck... Fuck... ...Be my girlfriend". Alessandro almost lost his mind when his name rolled out of her mouth.

"No, We just met today you bas...".

"This isn't a choice, I never remember asking, I was telling, it's an order. Either you like it or not... You are mine, I will be the one who taints you". He whispered, his deep voice, his cologne, his lips. Emilia wanted to fall as her knees almost gave away.

How did my life become this???, he won't even listen to me.

"Let's go, I will drop you home and don't think of any schemes in that little brain of yours, I am a very dangerous man topolina, don't make me do what I don't want to". Saying that her pulled her into his car, got in fasten his sit belt and drove away.

"Mr. Bianchi why d...".

"It's Alessandro or daddy to you mouse". He whispered still driving.

"Focus DADDY, I am my parent's only child". She licked his Adams apple, and he gulped hard.

She is very lucky we are not in a quiet place I would have made her regret what she did.

Humph Alessandro, two can play this game.

The two in their thoughts. Getting to the Russo mansion, they alighted.

"I won't mind if you wish to stay with me tonight topolina, I will make you see stars".

"No Alessandro, good ni...". She was interrupted as he landed a kiss on her lips.

Breaking it off he winked before saying "Good night, mother in law ".